Chapter 546 - Five Hundred And Forty-seven: We Had A Deal (2/2)
”I told you this was a bad idea,” Niklaus said to his daughter this time, ”He's like a rabid dog and should be put down,”
”Sure, put me down and your daughter is gone as well,”
Niklaus' face hardened, ”What do you want?” All that mattered was his daughter.
”I want to leave here,” Jean said.
”Don't be stupid,” Isabella told him, ”You won't make it out of here even if you have me as captive. Even as I speak, snipers are probably trying to get the best angle to -”
”Shut up!” Jean tightened the chain and Isabella choked.
”Isabella!” Niklaus was close to shooting at the bastard, but he couldn't, not without harming his daughter. If anything happens to Isabella, Reina would kill him first before the guilt sets in.
”I know you're trying to go see your niece, Jean, but you have to do it the right way. Be my shadow guard?”
”Are you fucking real right now Isabella?!” Niklaus cursed when it dawned on him that this was Isabella's plan all along. She premeditated this would happen after intentionally inciting the hitman and now he - Niklaus - had to follow along with the script she drafted mentally.
Who said having an intelligent daughter was a gift? Damn it, what kind of daughter was she?! He just hoped Isabella knew what she was doing.
Jean was stunned, what kind of kid was this? She was still speaking about him being her shadow guard while he held her hostage. Was she fucking serious or just had a loose screw in the head?
”Jean,” Isabella spoke even though the chains were cutting off her breath, ”Even if you somehow escape here, they are going to come after your niece, is that the kind of life you want for her?”
Conflicted emotions flickered across Jean's face yet he didn't loosen the chain one bit. His guard was still up. What if this was a trap?
”You will be free and as well have the time and capability to protect your niece. I'm probably sure you have other enemies who would hurt her to get to you,” Isabella played a dangerous game of trying out her luck. She had planned until this point, whatever happens next depends on Jean's decision.
Jean's gaze swept around the numerous weapons pointed at him and asked her, ”I can trust you, right? ”
”Cross my dark heart,” Isabella promised him.
”Ask them to drop their weapons then you can consider me your shadow guard,” He issued a command.
Isabella turned to Niklaus, ”Do it,”
”Isabella,” He warned through clenched teeth.
She rolled her eyes, ”Do the damn thing,”
Jaw ticking, Niklaus commanded, ”Drop your weapons,”
Although they were hesitant at first, Niklaus fired a warning to them through his glare and they complied at once.
”Your turn now,” He told Jean.
Slowly yet cautious, Jean released Isabella. However, no sooner was she freed, the guards quickly moved in and pounced on Jean, pinning him to the ground.
”You promised me! We had a deal,” Isabella accused her father
”Sorry, but I don't risk my daughter's life,”