Chapter 468 - Four Hundred And Sixty-eight: Maggie Be Cleared (2/2)

Taming A Billionaire Glimmy 26770K 2022-07-22

”We are sorry for your loss, Lucinda. I came as soon as I could,” Vincent engaged the woman in conversation just as everyone presented whatever gifts they came with which the maids took away for safekeeping.

”Thank you, my good friend, Vincent,” the woman sobbed, dabbing her face with her white fancy handkerchief with poised grace.

”I know, that is why I came with my daughters and of course, Cecil and your grandson as well,” Vincent gestured.

”Grandson!” the woman's voice climbed a pitch high as soon as she heard that.

Of course, Cecil realized that moment, her father wouldn't call her over here for nothing.

Lucinda, as if she had seen the love of her life, hurried over to Pedro, even pushing Cecil out of the way to get to her grandchild.

Emerald caught Cecil after the hard shove and growled, about to give that rude woman a piece of his mind when Cecil held him back, shaking her head. This was not the time and place.

”Oh my God, my grandson,” Linda showered the uncomfortable Pedro with kisses, ”Fernandez was not kidding, you look exactly like him,”

”Excuse me, granny, I would really love some space -” however, Pedro was still complaining when she squeezed him into her arms -almost squeezing the life out of him.

Lucinda pulled back, then cupped his face with her palms, ”Don't worry about your father, I'll avenge his death for you,”

”W-what?” Pedro was dumbfounded. What the hell was this old woman talking about?

”I'm going to kill that bitch who ended your father,” there was simmering hatred in her tone, ”I already have my people ready and at my command, they would -”

”Whoah, wait a minute here,” Cecil interrupted her furious- would - have- been - mother-in-law, ”You're going to kill an innocent woman?!”

”She's not innocent! She killed my son!”

”Your son killed many! He killed children! Innocent unborn girl child which I'm sure you knew!” Cecil raged, anger blinding her senses.

As soon as Fernandez's death was over the news, articles, accusations, evidence, and claims of his horrible acts were brought to the limelight. Currently, people are beginning to justify Maggie's actions.

'Because Maggie had no power, she was suppressed. These women who are victims of violence have no protection.

Maggie needed to commit this act to ensure his true nature was revealed. The woman had been abused both physically and sexually,' lawyers argued the case.

”You have no right to condemn another when you created a monster,”

”Cecil!” Vincent called her, but the woman stood her ground.

”And thanks to you, I've realized something,” Cecil announced, ”With my influence, I'm going to sign a petition demanding that Maggie be cleared,”