Chapter 424 - Four Hundred And Twenty-four: No One Told Him (1/2)
The third point of view:
”Damn it, not again!”
Cecil woke up with a curse on her lips - which she hated. A day was supposed to be started positively and with blessings instead of swear words. Why was she cursing by the way?
She had woken up quite late which wasn't supposed to be since she still had to prepare breakfast - they weren't leaving on an empty stomach- and prepare herself mentally and physically before leaving for her parent's place. Yeah, this was D-day.
But then, Cecil had woken up quite late again which wasn't quite surprising. Ever since she got pregnant, she easily fell asleep and mostly was too tired to go about her daily activities and that was quite infuriating.
When she had been pregnant with Pedro, the boy never disturbed her as much as this one did. Hence why was this pregnancy so different? Could it be because she was getting old?
Cecil stood up to her feet with a groan, her back arched terribly, had she slept in a bad position, or was it the baby's doing as well? Her pregnancy was two days shy of clocking a month and it was disturbing her this much? She couldn't help but dread the incoming months of pure torture.
With no idea what to do, Cecil decided to go wash up, and then perhaps inspiration from heaven on how to solve the food problem would descend on her.
However, after luxuriating in the bathroom for inspiration purposes, nothing came into her head. Her son, Pedro, sure could cook but she had made it a duty to get breakfast ready for him - he can think about cooking for himself when he moves away or gets married. Moreover, she was pregnant and one of the doctor's advice was to eat healthily.
Perhaps she would order takeouts - just this once - and they - she and her son - would have their fill before heading to that hell called home. Her parent's place was far from here which meant they had to drive out of the city and that would take roughly three to four hours. Cecil finally decided and made it out of her room only for the smell of omelet to waft into her nose.
Brows furrowed in confusion, she began to trace the scent of the food like a sniffer dog to the dining room where she found her son Pedro and Emerald setting the table.
That scene was quite a shocker for Cecil because she never expected Emerald yet not to talk of him coming earlier than planned to make her breakfast. Relief washed over her and she wanted to express her thanks but what came out of her mouth was the opposite.
Emerald saw the relieved look on her face and was happy to know that the surprise breakfast worked. He had been thinking of a way to be active in this pregnancy, you know, playing his part as a father should and had sorted out her son Pedro, who was brilliant enough to suggest the idea of breakfast in bed - which won't be possible anymore since she was off the bed.
However, one could imagine the shock on Emerald's face when Cecil, who should've been delighted, burst into tears all of a sudden, and the pleased look on his face crumbled at once.
”Cecil?” He went over to her, ”What is it?” he asked, distress written all over his face.
”Why did you do this to me?” She accused Emerald of what he had no idea about, heightening his confusion.
Emerald scratched the back of his head, what the hell was she talking about? Here he was, a grown man like him with no clue why his woman was crying. In just a moment, he began to go over all the wrong things he had done in the past days wondering if he had unintentionally pissed her off. But after all the hard thinking, the man came up with nothing. Neither was Cecil close to stopping.