Chapter 380 - Three Hundred And Eighty: Jealousy (1/2)
The third point of view:
Who said a man wasn't sexy in a suit?
Cecil watched from amongst the other shocked spectators, as a completely different Emerald stepped out, causing a momentarily hush amongst the crowd.
Throughout her stay, Cecil has never seen him in a suit not to talk of formal wear. It was always his casual tops that showed off his muscles and pants showcasing his long legs. His ink-black hair was always tousled and combed backward. But right now, everything about Emerald was just different.
Emerald was wearing a blue tuxedo suit with a black bow tie and white shirt, complete with black pants. His hair resembled a hawk, but the modern pompadour hairstyle was created by adding height on the top with the buzzed sides having continuity with his cheek line, all the way to the chin, giving him a perfectly balanced shape. He was simply breathtaking.
But then, Cecil's expression changed when a woman from nowhere looped her arm around Emerald's arm and walked down the red carpet with him. Cecil felt a stab in her heart and her world whirled, what was happening to her?
She had seen that woman in the afternoon but hadn't asked about her since it wasn't her business, plus the fact she was hiding from Emerald. Was she Emerald's woman?
Unexpectedly, Cecil felt anger wash over her, had Emerald kissed her even when he had another woman? Feeling as if someone slapped her harshly on the face, Cecil wanted to leave, yet she still couldn't.
She held on to the possibility that this was a misunderstanding. Moreover, Olivia would have told her if Emerald was engaged.
Also, wouldn't it prove how cowardly she was if she left because of this? Rather she would confront him later about it - if it turned out to be true. This was his birthday and she can't afford to ruin it.
Cecil decided to play it cool, but each time she looked at the both of them - who looked good together - it irritated her. Why was she disturbed by that? Yes, because there was a possibility Emerald played her.
The woman is just an escort, this must be some sort of birthday procedure that involved walking in the celebrant, Cecil reasoned. But why that woman? Weren't there others to welcome him? There was Sakuzi, urm… Urm…. fine, just hold a grip of yourself, woman! You're not interested in him, period!
But then, it was at that moment that Emerald was crossing her side. As if he sensed the emotional turmoil in her heart, Emerald turned in her direction.
Having an intuition he was going to turn, Cecil's eyes grew wide and she panicked, immediately choosing to hide behind one of the guests in front of her, her back turned to him.
It was only for a second as Emerald continued down the rest of the red carpet, but to Cecil, it felt like forever. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she couldn't help but chide herself. Why was she behaving like a kid? She slapped her head.
Thankfully, after that, everything went back to normal. The orchestra continued their merry number and the guests carried on with their discussion.
”Hey, isn't that Juliet?” Cecil's attention was immediately drawn to the ladies discussing by her side.
She turned in the direction of the woman they were discussing and it was the same woman that escorted Emerald and was still lingering by his side.
So her name's Juliet, Cecil took in the news like a businessman digging for information of possible investors.
”Of course,” the other woman confirmed.
”She must be so happy she got a chance with Emerald tonight,” snickered the first woman, and Cecil sensed envy beneath her tone. Olivia was not kidding, Emerald was the most eligible bachelor tonight.
”She liked him for a long time, it's not surprising that she jumped in at the first chance of being his escort,” the second voice was also filled with Jealousy.