Chapter 351 - Three Hundred And Fifty-two : Weird Family (1/2)
The third point of view:
”Hey, can I borrow your cell phone for a moment please?” Pedro asked Emerald with uncertainty.
The man seemed like a nice guy compared to the many he had seen in there. It was definitely no joke that Sakuzi was a mafia lord and these seemed like their base. Sure, they were treated nicely in here but Pedro was uncomfortable. He literally knew nobody here nor their intention. How long were they even going to remain here?
Emerald gave him a questionable look.
He explained, ”I think I lost mine earlier and my girlfriend must be worried about me,”
”Sure,” Emerald handed the phone to him without second thoughts.
Giving him a thankful look, Pedro put in Isabella's number and turned to the side as he placed the call.
However, there was no answer at the first ring.
”Come on, pick up,” Pedro stood uncomfortably on his feet as he anxiously waited for her to answer. Even to the sixth call, there was no answer.
”Thank you,” He handed the phone back to him.
”She didn't answer?” Emerald asked out of sheer curiosity.
”Yeah,” He shrugged, ”Maybe she's busy with something, I don't know,”
”Do you want me to send a message to her place?”
”You can do that?” he was surprised.
”Yeah, of course,”
”Oh right,” It finally occurred to him that Emerald was under Sakuzi.
”No, don't worry. I'll love to explain everything to her by myself,” He added under his breath, ”After I get a new phone,”
”You don't have to worry. I'll get a cellphone for you. You shouldn't be out with your father searching desperately for you,” Emerald said, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently.
Pedro tipped his head to the side with a deep sigh as he asked,” You like my mother, don't you? ”
Emerald's brow raised interestedly,
”And if I say I do, would you give me your blessings?” he asked on purpose.
”Why not? You're better than a father who tossed me into a van,” Pedro pointed out.
He smiled wryly, ”Well, I would be so happy if your mom and I are possible?”
He frowned, ”Why would you say that?”
”Your mother hates me. She would never be with me,” He told the young man.
”Why? Because you're her one-night stand?”
The man looked surprised, ”H-how?... ”
”She didn't tell me much but I'm not a kid nor is it hard to figure out what happened with the attraction between the both of you,”
”Attraction my butt,” Emerald laughed amused.
”You love her, don't you?” Pedro asked the man, their eyes connected.
”With every fiber of my being,” Said Emerald as he stared him straight in the eyes too.
He was speaking the truth, Pedro discovered. Those eyes of his were sure and sincere and caring.
”Then give her time. My mom doesn't stay angry forever, and if she truly likes you, I don't see why you both can't be together. The past is the past,”
”It would have been nice if you were my son,”
Pedro's eyes enlarged, surprised.
”But I like you regardless,” Emerald ruffled his hair playfully. He breathed, ”You should look around, no one's going to hurt nor stop you,” And with that being said, he left.
”Well, it's now or never,” Pedro decided to go explore the mansion. He wondered how someone could live here without getting lost all the time. There were so many rooms that he lost count of how many he crossed and had to ask for directions in case he decided to return to his starting point.
This mafia was different from what he anticipated and watched in movies. He had expected to be unnecessary fighting, bloodshed, and gambling, but here, they behaved as if they were one family. Moreover, weapons were not left around carelessly and there were a lot of rooms with restrictions which he guessed had serious stuff going on in there.
He finally found himself in a kitchen which might as well have served as a canteen. There were a lot of men chattering away and the foods were served buffet style.
Honestly, Pedro wasn't exactly hungry since his stomach was still knotted with tension from earlier - he couldn't believe all this madness happened in one day.
”You might have to take that with the sauce,”
Pedro was startled when a voice said from behind him. He turned to meet a strange girl. A beautiful strange girl.