Chapter 282 - Two Hundred And Eighty-two: Loose Screw In The Head (1/2)
The third point of view
”Mom, I'm tired,” the boy cried out, ”Can I rest now?” he pleaded
”Rest?” Jennifer had an angry look on her face. She walked over to her son where he was seated on the chair in front of his study desk.
”Did I just hear the word rest from your mouth?” She gripped his jaw tight, causing him pain, ”If you were half as smart as Reina's son, we wouldn't have been chased off!” She barked at him.
The harsh treatment made tears drop from his eyes, he began to wail like a banshee.
”Take a look at yourself?! All you know how to do best is cry and eat! What can you do, you crybaby!” She began to slap his cheeks while Neon cried on.
”Mommy, I'm afraid,” Neon slobbered since he had his mouth open wide crying.
Jennifer grabbed his root tight, forcing his face in her direction, saying threateningly,” If you don't master the periodic table by the time I'm back, I'll starve you for two days straight,”
Done, she shoved him off.
”Idiot,” She cursed, straightening her button-up shirt, picked her purse from the study desk she had dropped earlier, and left.
Trembling, Neon huddled in his chair while crying. He was so scared. His mother changed ever since they left Niklaus' place. She gets angry at the slightest provocation, hits him once he makes a little mistake, and keeps comparing him to Allen, Reina's son.
”Where are you, Isabella? I'm so frightened,” He whispered, wishing his sister was by his side. She promised to protect him, but then? She abandoned him. They were all liars.
Jennifer made sure the door was locked, before she made her way to the garage and entered her car, zooming off. Thanks to the money Niklaus gave her, it wasn't difficult to find a house on the market which she purchased immediately.
Now, she had to go meet that crazy old man called Niklaus' father and know what he truly wants from her.
Yes, Adam was the one who sent her those photos, she found out that day they met. Though he hasn't told her what he wants from her, Jennifer bet he would spill his guts today.
As expected, it was a high-end restaurant and the man preserved a table next to the window side.
”You're late,” Adam told her with a frown, checking the expensive wristwatch on his wrist, ”My time is quite important to me; every second wasted is money,”
”Well, I had something to do, and don't tell me you're seriously complaining? Don't you have patience in your calendar?” she told him without as much as an apologetic look.
The frown on Adam's face increased, she had no fear nor respect - this one would be quite stubborn to control.
”Alright. Have a seat then,” Adam hid his irritation beneath a smile. He knew girls like them and how to bend them to his will.
Adam opened the menu placed on the table, ”You must be hungry, what do you want to -”
”Why am I here?” Jennifer interrupted him, going straight to the point, ”I believe you didn't send those pictures and then meet up with me, without wanting a favor in return,”
Adam paused briefly, stunned by her directness. He dropped the menu, kept his intertwined hands on the table, and looked into her eyes saying, ”It's more of a deal than favor - you benefit and I do too,”
A smile tugged Jennifer's lips to the side, ”Color me interested,”
Adam smiled too, he has dropped the bait, the fish has been hooked, ”As you know, I'm not in support of the woman Niklaus appears infatuated with,”
”You mean Reina?”
”Yes, it seems. You see, anyone with that miserable woman's face called 'Maya' is bad luck to us Spencers. I don't want that bad luck in my family again,” Adam confessed.
But then, to his greatest surprise, Jennifer began to laugh at him; a burst of long, hysterical laughter that made him uncomfortable.
”What is funny about what I just said? ”Adam was confused.
”It seems you're behind on your update but let me do you the favor of giving you the latest information,” She leaned closer, ”That woman Reina, that looks like Maya, is indeed Maya. Both are the same person and the reason Niklaus chased me off because he confirmed her identity,” Jennifer notified him.
Adam was taken aback by that disclosure. Reina was Maya? Why didn't he know about that? It seems that ingrate Eden had a hand in this!
”This makes it all better then. It's obvious we have a common enemy. I need you to be my spokesperson; the woman I have chosen for my son, Niklaus. I just need you to get Niklaus wrapped around your fingers while I settle the rest. How's that?” he proposed.