Chapter 218 - Two Hundred And Eighteen: I Need To Find Maya (2/2)
”You think that's going to work?” She sniffed.
”I don't know but I have to try,” I said to her, feeling my beard-ridden jaw. I had five days of stubble on my face.
”Alright,” she dropped the fruit basket on the bedside table and left to make the arrangements. I knew Eden wouldn't dare refuse me Anabelle, he and I still had a score to settle.
He blamed me for whatever happened to Maya but he allowed that incident to happen in my absence after claiming to have feelings for her.
I didn't come with a change of clothes but since Isabella was still resting, I took that opportunity to freshen up, I stank. As expected, I put Isabella in a VIP room with all the necessary equipment to make her stay comfortable.
Isabella was still not up by the time I was out. So I sat at her bedside, deciding to have a little rest before she comes around.
But after a while, I woke up startled from my sleep when my hand felt around her bed only to come up with nothing.
My eyes snapped open, her bed was empty ”Isabella? Isabella?! Dammit!,”
I pulled out my phone,” Isabella left her hospital room, find her at once!” I barked orders to Lucas who I was sure was somewhere around the hospital.
Amid her little injury, she stubbornly followed after me although maintaining a safe distance from me.
I went ahead to search for my daughter too and almost gave up when I reached the lobby. But my eyes widened when I captured her small figure in the hospital gown reaching for the revolving door leading outside.
”Isabella!” I yelled her name and she turned around only to hasten her steps after seeing me.
”Fuck you”
I ran after Isabella, capturing her just outside the entrance and attracting people's attention- not that I cared.
”Let me go!” Isabella cried out, kicking quite vigorously if I might say.
”I'm sorry but I can't grant ...oof!” Isabella elbowed me quite hard in the guts which made me release my hold on her but she was not through.
She kicked me in the place where the sun never shines. A strategy which she learned from training to paralyze an enemy when helpless. Damn you, instructor! I did not have him train her to be used on me.
Oh God, veins sprouted from my neck and I groaned, going down to my knees; the pain was massive.
”Come back here!” I ordered her amid the agony I was in. Gosh, I hoped my future generation has not been smashed.
Isabella did not obey and continued to run but unfortunately for her, bumped into Lucas who immobilized her at once before she could retaliate.
”Let me go, I need to find Maya!” Isabella screamed, struggling against the unfazed Lucas.
At once, a train of doctors rushed outside creating quite a commotion. Lucas must have alerted them cause they pranced in their direction.
”Are you okay?” One of them helped me to my feet.
”Don't worry about me, get my daughter first. I'll come for an examination later,” I winced, walking one-sidedly.
Isabella upon seeing the doctors coming in her direction became hysterical which prompted Lucas to hold her down forcefully.
”No, you don't understand, I need to find Maya!” She kept screaming at the top of her lungs even as the doctor administered her with a sleeping drug.
The sight broke my heart that tears slipped down my eyes unknowingly. I hated seeing her being manhandled this way but it was for her safety.
Isabella wasn't thinking straight in this state and might try to harm herself again. This was for her good. She might loathe me now but she would come to thank me later.
The drug kicked in almost immediately and she fell asleep on the doctor's arm who took her back to the hospital.
”Thank you,” I said to Lucas after the doctors and their apprentices left.
”Is nothing,” she waved it away.
”And I'm sorry for shooting at you earlier, it was - ” I apologized.
”No, I was the one who spoke out of place,” she took the blame.
”Why are you here?” I couldn't help but ask, ” Of all work, why a bodyguard?”
”I'm sorry, I have my reasons but believe me when I tell you that I would not bring harm to your daughter nor you,” she told me.
I scrutinized her deliberately and found out she was indeed telling the truth, ”What's your name then? Your real name” I insisted.
”Linda,” she answered,” Linda Rosemound,” her eyes captured my limping,” Are you okay or do you need help with -”
”I'm okay...Linda,” or will be after confirming my future generation hasn't been crushed like an egg.