Chapter 210 - Two Hundred And Eight: Misfortune (2/2)
”Talk to me!” Eden screamed at her, the suspense was killing him.
”It's Maya,” she said.
Eden neared her, ”What about Maya?”
”She fell off a bridge,”
Emily heard the news and raced like a crazy woman to her father's place. It wasn't true, she told herself repeatedly.
Judy can't be dead.
But when the girl saw the signature apologetic look on her father's face, it finally dawned on her, he was gone.
Emily's leg gave out, she fell to the ground in a heap and cried out her heart.
”This is all your fault!” She blamed her father for her misfortune.
The hysterical girl stood to her feet and rushed at her father, grabbing him on the collar and shaking him vigorously.
”You killed him! I blame you for his death! He would have been alive if you hadn't taken him away!”
She had been informed of the accident: while Judy was being transported by sea, there was an attack and they were all killed. Her father recovered the body of his men but Judy's was nowhere to be found.
Emily hoped he survived somehow but the report from the investigation said otherwise. The amount of his spilled blood at the scene suggested he wouldn't survive whatever attack came his way.
”Give me Judy back!” She was still raving when her sight blackened and she lost consciousness.
Her sight was blurry when she awoke and a physician was attending to her with an IV drip attached to her wrist.
”What is going on?” She rasped, her throat was dried, ” Where am I?”
”You're awake” their family doctor felt her forehead with the back of her head,” You lost consciousness and was brought to my hospital”
Just then, Emily had a flashback of the past events which brought alongside a throbbing headache.
The doctor went on, ”As an expecting mother, you should learn how to control your emotion for the growth of your child,”
A bomb went off in her head.
”What?” Emily was astounded, ”Expecting mother?”
”Yes, you're two weeks pregnant. Didn't you know?” The female doctor told her,” And your blood pressure is quite high which isn't good for a pregnant lady,”
”Oh my God,” Emily gasped, her hand going around her stomach and rubbed it. She was pregnant with Judy's baby?
This would have been pleasant news if Judy was still alive. But now she was all alone, Emily was scared. How was she going to nurse a child all by herself?
”Where is the father? I need to speak to him concerning your health,” questioned the physician.
”Dead,” Tears rolled down her face,
”He just died a day ago,” she revealed bitterly.
The doctor was taken aback,” Oh my God, I'm so sorry,” she sympathized with her.
She adjusted her glasses, ”Well if that's the case, I would need to speak to your father,”
Emily was horrified, ”No, you can't!” She screamed.
”What do you mean I can't?”
”You can't tell my father, please” she begged with more tears in her eyes.
”You don't understand the problem here, Emily. Aside from the fact you have high blood pressure, you also have a narrow pelvis. The narrower shape of your pelvis can make labor difficult because the baby might move more slowly through the birth canal and you may require a C-section to deliver,” she explained.
”I'm begging you please, don't tell him. I know my father, he would do everything possible to get rid of this child. You're a mother too, surely you'd understand my plight,” Emily desperately implored of her.
The doctor let out a soft sigh, running her hands through her hair,” Let's say I lie to him, then what about your health? You're very fragile Emily, you need treatment and as a doctor, that's my obligation” she pointed out.
”My father engaged me to someone else, I'll just need time and I'll make the pregnancy his. So please, help me out. I can't lose this baby, no, I'll die if I lose this baby,”
”You're going to make your fiancé responsible for a pregnancy that isn't his?” The doctor was short of words.
”Please..” Emily was still pleading when her father walked into the hospital room.
”Father..” she stiffened, her eyes connecting with the doctor's
”What is wrong with her?” Adam went straight to the point with a cold expression.
Emily's hands dug into the sheet, awaiting her death sentence.
The doctor notified, ”She fainted from the shock. Aside from high blood pressure, she's fine,”