Chapter 198 - One Hundred And Niney-eight: Ready To Be A Father (2/2)
”No, I think I heard you wrong” Maya was obviously confused.
”I love you, Maya” I gave a wry laugh, ”It's quite funny but I think I was in love with you the first day I set my eyes on you. I was just stupid and oblivious to admit it”
Maya blinked,” I think you must have hit your head somewhere when the bed broke. I need to get you checked at the hospital ”
I thought Maya was kidding but when she began to gather her clothes, I knew she was serious.
”I'm not sick in the head, Maya” I gripped her hand and pulled her to my body. She almost stumbled to the ground with the cascading sheet gathered around her legs but I was there to keep her from falling.
Did my confession shock her that much? Wow, you must have really been an asshole to women, Niklaus.
Maya shook her head stubbornly, ”No, you're just infatuated with me or maybe you're just saying this because I asked you to leave-”
”Shut up and listen to me for once, woman !”
This time, she obeyed to my relief. She was just too stubborn.
I clasped her cheeks with both hands just to keep her steady in case she tries to pull her away- she was as quick as a rabbit, a cute bunny.
My confession began,” I know myself and right now, Niklaus Spencer is smitten with you. I said I wasn't ever going to fall in love after Kay's death but I guess I have no control over here…” I placed her pretty hand over my chest.
”Do you feel it?” I breathed,” It's beating quite fast and strong for you, Maya”
My heartbeat reverberated through her fingers, watching as a lone tear spilled down her cheek while I felt a prick in my heart when she pulled her hand away.
”What's the use of telling me this?” She snapped at me,” You're already together with Tina! Your father hates me! Sakuzi wants me dead! So tell me what's the use of this now?! Why don't you give it to Tina who needs it more?!”
Her words hurt me but it was obvious she was hurting more. At the end of the day, she's the one at the receiving end!
”I know, Maya,” I said,” This is all my fault and I'm doing everything to correct that. I just need you to give me time and your trust”
She sassed,” This is not exactly the first time you asked for my trust”
”I know” I acquiesced,” I failed you with the proposal, Maya, but not this time. I'm going to get rid of Tina once and for all, you just need to be patient and understanding, please Maya” I implored of her desperately as if my life depended on her.
Diverse emotions flashed across her face in a short time while I held my breath, waiting for her answer anticipatedly.
”Fine,” she answered, ”Just this once, Niklaus, and if you -”
I didn't wait to hear the rest of her answer and kissed her sweet, and passionately. Maya stood with her eyes wide open and slow to react but I was too happy to quibble.
Not long after she kissed me back, the heat between us reignited again until Maya pulled away and rushed into her washroom.
What the hell just happened?
Puzzled, I went after her,” What is wrong…..?”
I was short of words when I saw Maya throwing up in the toilet. I walked over to her, ”Do you need help?” I asked with concern.
Maya wanted to answer, however ended up puking her guts instead. I couldn't stand watching her helplessly and so made myself useful by keeping her hair from getting tangled with her vomit and rubbing her back, that should help- hopefully.
”Are you sick or something?” I asked after the vomiting episode was over.
”No” she answered tiredly, leaning against the wall.
My eyes unconsciously moved to her flat stomach, ”Maya, are you pregnant by chance?”
It was exactly a month since we slept together for the first time and without protection. What if she was carrying my child?
Maya gave me a blank stare before bursting into hysterical laughter, which made me feel stupid.
”Trust me Niklaus, I'll know if I was pregnant. My body's just reacting adversely to the wine from yesterday”
”Okay,” I said coolly yet was disappointed somehow. Why was I wishing for a child from Maya? Was I ready to become a father again?