Chapter 185 - One Hundred And Eighty-five: You Married A Player, Live With It (1/2)

Taming A Billionaire Glimmy 40010K 2022-07-22

Isabella's point of view

I knew I was busted by the time I awoke on my bed. This wasn't where I was supposed to be: I was meant to be under Maya's bed not on top of my bed.

This could only mean one thing, Maya and my whole family members discovered my plan - I was in trouble.

Definitely wasn't how I plotted this to end, those two losers have ruined it! I had sorted everything in such a way that Maya wouldn't even notice anything was awry until we left for our respective homes.

But who knew those two losers couldn't handle their alcohol at all, they lost it immediately. If they had only hung on a bit longer, I would have thought of a way to send both home without arousing suspicion.

I must have fallen asleep under the bed while awaiting Maya's departure from the room, how unlucky I am.

But then, Maya's abrupt appearance was a great factor that destroyed my plans.

I had not expected her to search for us that quickly, I wonder if there was some sort of secret alarm she had on that reminded her of us; she just can't take her eyes off us!

The feeling of being watched after is nice but disturbing especially when I want to erect one of my fun pranks.

I got out of bed and didn't bother to leave the room having an inkling it was being guarded by Niklaus' men.

This was so frustrating, I shouldn't have trusted Pedro and Anabelle's words. The voice of reasoning had somehow warned me before then that these two were first-timers and might get me exposed but I just wanted them in because… well, the many, the merrier - look where that got me now.

My stomach growled for food and I was having a slight headache from the drink last night, I guess. I had already prepared myself for the worst when I turned the doorknob, expecting Niklaus to lock me in as punishment but no, he didn't lock me at all.

Instead, guards lined up from my door to the living room. Seriously, wasn't this over the top, I'm just a kid notwithstanding what I did last night.

The guards' vigilance gaze followed my every movement till I found myself in the kitchen. But what made my mouth drop was instead of seeing Amanda, Tina was the cook instead.

”Hi, little one ” Tina welcomed me who stood like a frozen pole as she pulled off the gloves she had on.

My shocked gaze shifted into an unpleasant one,” What are you doing here?”

”I'm your future mommy, I have every right to be here” She declared as if that was the grandest achievement in her life.

”My mother's name is Kay Wilson, so get that into your retarded brain,” I told her fiercely.

Our gaze met like two great swords clashing against each other powerfully but she surprised me by taking off her gaze - I was prepared for this stare down.

”You should have breakfast, I heard you get yourself drunk yesterday - by the way, I had my first drink when I was around your age too” she disclosed with a secret wink.

I was taken aback by her unexpected sociability this lovely morning, perhaps this was another of her tactics to buy me over.

Refusing to be deceived, I called out the housekeeper who happened to come inside the kitchen that moment.

”Amanda, when did you start accepting strangers into the kitchen?”

Normally, I called Amanda with more respect because she's being a mother figure to me ever since Niklaus dragged me to live with him. But right now, I was too irritated to care.

”You don't need to put the housekeeper in a tight spot, if you got scores to settle it's with your father” Tina chimed in.

That witch was trying to pit me against Niklaus, does she think I'll fall for that.

She continued,” He's the one who permitted me to make breakfast for you, Amanda won't be taking your request.”

”Oh,” I said as realization dawned on me, this was his way of tormenting me for what I did yesterday. But I had only drunk, why was he making a huge deal out of it? - he drinks too.

”You can give that meal to the devil” came my acerbic comment and turned in my heels, ready to bolt out of the kitchen when she said,

”With the way your father was fuming on his way out, I'll have you assured that this is the only meal you'd be getting today”

Of course, I got her hint. I have angered Niklaus to the point I'll be punished by starving.

I wanted to refuse but my stomach chose that moment to roar like an angry lion plus the aroma from the food she was placed on the counter was tantalizing.

Come-on Isabella, do something. Don't fall into her trap! My mind cautioned me but there was no way my brain could function properly without a proper meal.

Fine, I'll fall into her trap and fill my stomach, once satisfied, I'll be strong enough to think of a way out.

I did a reversal, dragging my lazy butt to the counter, and sat on a tall stool, taking in the sight of the soup and side dishes set before me.

I had to admit, the food was healthy and appetizing to the eye but the side dishes were not filling at all. I'll rather eat the junk food prepared by Maya as far as my stomach gets satisfied than this.

But there was no choice, it was either this meal or no meal at all.

”I heard everyone went crazy searching for you guys” She started a conversation which I would have ignored normally but its abstrusity confused me.

”What are you talking about?” I asked.

”Don't you remember? They said you and that peddy guy- ”

”It's Pedro,” I corrected firmly.