Chapter 98 - Ninety-Eight : Why Is My Life So Damn Hard (1/2)
Maya's POV
”They warned her, don't go there
There's creatures who are hiding in the dark”
I guess her mother must have said the same to Little Red Riding Hood just before she set off to her grandmother's place - just as Izzy said to me but look who didn't listen .
”She knew she was hypnotized
And walking on cold thin ice
Then it broke, and she awoke again”
I guess I was a fool though I always had the feeling all along. I was treading on thin ice but welcomed it with open arms, fooled by his good looks and sugar coated words just like the wolf in the story, but now I was jerked back to the reality of life .
Feeling so embarrassed, I walked away through the back entrance because I didn't want to encounter the reporters - they would definitely have a field day after this event.
Tina must be over the moon right now while Eden would probably be like ”I told you so ” and Izzy…., well Izzy would probably chide me with that attitude of hers ” I warned you , didn't I ?”
I was so mortified right now, wishing nothing but for the earth to open up and swallow me whole. How could they do this to me ?
Though my mind kept telling me Niklaus was fooled into this, I didn't want to believe it ; it gave me a reason to hate him .
Right now I just wanted to hide from everybody, away from this cause my heart was hurting terribly - I even told him I loved him!
What a great fool I was! Perhaps Kim was right, I am a curse, a failure, destined not to see good things .
I had to disappear, away from sight, away from the Spencer family, away from all this craziness, away from Niklaus .
But then I realized I was not with my purse. In that moment of panic I had left it at the table - my credit cards, cell phone and cash were in there .
”Shit! ” I cursed, realizing just how much I screwed up. I shook my head, there was no way I was returning to that ballroom , no way - I would rather trek to death than do that .
But then I couldn't go through the entrance either, some of the reporters were still outside and they had seen me ride with Niklaus.
They weren't called reporters for no reason, they would probably figure out something was wrong and bombard me with never ending questions.
I thought of the back entrance but Niklaus men were there and he has probably ordered them to stop me from leaving so I can listen to his
”explanation” - note the sarcasm.
So I chose the underground parking lot, it would be the perfect hiding spot to vent out my frustration and cry myself to sleep unnoticed or luckily catch a ride from a good Samaritan and get out of this hellhole .
I stuck to my plan and thankfully the place was lonely - much to my comfort, I could now bawl out my eyes undisturbed.
But the tears began dropping and clouding my vision before I could find a good hiding place .
It hurts too much, I felt like dying . Why is everyone so cruel to me ? What did I do so wrong?
Maybe because I was so emotional,I hardly noticed I was being followed until the hairs on my body stood on edge .
I've always had a good instinct and now it was warning me of danger, but it was too late .
A strong arm hooked around my neck before I could react, followed by a white cloth pressed against my nose .
My eyes widened, I've lived long enough, read and watched enough movies to know that rag was drugged and the fact I'll be knocked out in seconds if I dare inhale whatever substance that was in it .
So I held my breath and struggled with him but he was so large and strong - unfortunately I was one tough cockroach to kill .
Perhaps my abductor noticed the drugging was taking too long, so he tightened his grip around my neck nearly suffocating me .
I choked and gasped for air and breathed in the substance mistakenly. My nose burned and my face scrunched up from inhaling the vomit inducing chemical pressed to my nose .
As expected, my body began to weaken as my vision turned blurry and the next, I lost consciousness .
Earlier, I had confidently cried-stomped into this parking lot because I was confident I could take out anybody that dares to mess with me .
But I was distracted nor did I expect those cowards to launch a sneak attack - they should have come head-on - and now I was the one taken out instead .
Whatever happened next, I could not tell but I definitely jumped off the bed the moment I awoke.
Perhaps because I was too abrupt, vertigo overwhelmed me, the room spinned and I almost fell to the ground had I not supported myself by grabbing onto the edge of the headboard.