Chapter Fifty - Eight : The Good Samaritan (2/2)
I winced at the coarseness of his words as Pablo went on and on singing my praise - note the sarcasm. I never thought in my entire life that I would say this but I'm extremely grateful Maya's not here to hear this right now.
By the way, how did this guy even hear all this? Has he been stalking me all his life?
”The ladies choice, the playboy prince - ”
”Fine, I get it ” I put up a hand and cut in ”I know my fiddle diddling and intimate rendezvous is a stuff of legend but just go straight to the point ” I restated ” The other main point ”
Pablo cleared his throat and readjusted his tie ” Simple, You're having a cold feet ”
” Cold feet ?” I snorted ”That's ridiculous ”
But it seems Pablo was determined ” You have become faint-hearted, fearful, and you're seriously reconsidering your decision, you're having second thoughts because you know you're about to embark on a life-changing journey ” He explained and gulped down a drink.
I shook my head ”That is impossible, I didn't even get a cold feet when I married my first wife at age sixteen! ”
”Holy shit ” Pablo dropped his glass on the table creating a clinking sound while his eyes registered shock ” The rumour is true, you married at age sixteen?! ”
I chided him ”Focus on the point not the story ”
” Fine, continue ” He poured himself another drink, probably still processing the information.
Well, I couldn't exactly blame him, the public have little to no information about my married life. All they know is, I have a daughter and a late wife. Any information past this was carefully concealed from the public by my family.
”The point is, I've never questioned my decision, never reconsidered them cause they always work out the way I want them, though life always plays it own fiddle but I always have a plan B to back it up , but now....? ”
”But now? ”
”I don't know men ” I sighed and looked away.
There was a short silence before Pablo suddenly asks,
”But do you love her? ”
”No ”
A frown curled up Pablo's forehead ” You don't love her but you want to marry her? ”
” Yeah, is there something wrong with that ” I shot, almost sending a glare in the process.
Pablo scratched his scalp awkwardly, it seems he has gotten himself in a problem that wasn't his to solve at the first place.
Sometimes being a good Samaritan sucks.
I shook my head ” Though the idea of an arranged marriage sounds appealing to me since no feeling of love is involved , but I can assure you that we both are very much into this of our own accord, no one's holding a knife to our throat”
I answered honestly, but wondered why I was saying all this to this guy? maybe because he's rich like me? a CEO like me? I just felt the need to pour out my pent-up emotions to him.
Sweat trickled down Pablo's face, this guy wasn't normal.Though he might be a genuis in the business world but knowing him socially , he wasn't what he expected at all.
And damn it , he wasn't a fu*king therapist
[A/N] : Well, you offered your service in the first place willingly. So continue, you social minded do-gooder type citizen.