Chapter Thirty- nine : Lets go to Cloud9 (1/2)

Taming A Billionaire Glimmy 27750K 2022-07-22

Maya's Pov

” Ahh!!! ”

I let out a high-pitched screech while my hands flew to my eyes at once. I didn't how but I successfully managed to locate the bathroom with my eyes closed.

I ran into the door and locked it, breathless and sagging against the closed door. My lungs were on fire, even though it was a short distance , but I felt like I've ran a marathon.

I know Nik is like a sexual deviant, but I never knew his debauchery was to this extent, and yes I did see him naked yesterday - but it was at night and my coloured bulbs created a romantic ambience, moreover the mood was just... right.

Last night was just unbelievable ; Nik touched and triggered several sensitive nerves in my body I didn't know existed . But seriously the guy was as fit as a horse and I'm never tempting him again.Though we didn't do the real thing last night  but I was so sore all over.

I swallowed, but it didn't seem to ease the dryness in my throat while my hand went to my chest, the unsteady beat reverberating through my fingers.

Warmth flooded my neck and face , just the thought of last night was enough to arouse me all over.

I slapped my cheek trying to awaken my senses. Idiot ! What are you thinking?! what do you think you're doing?! You should be reprimanding and punching that pervert , not thinking about his hot, yummylicious body and the wonders of his hands and mouth.

God help this stupid girl!

*sob*sob* I cried mentally. ' you're right, dear mind, but what can I do? His face is so handsome, I can't afford to lay a scratch on it ' Pathetic me.

I was roused from my reverie by a knock on the door making take a few step back .

”What?!” I yelled.

”You can come out now, I'm descent ” He answered .

”No, I don't trust you ” I retorted .

”No? Don't you want to take a last glance at me before I leave ” Nik chuckled, rhythmically tapping on the bathroom door.

”No ! ” I hollered ” Go away! ”

”Fine ” He gave up with a sigh ” Make sure to miss me, little Tigress ”

Humph ! Who will miss him? I snorted derisively and folded my arms across my chest.

And what 'Little Tigress ' ? What kind of nickname was that?

My ears perked up the moment I heard my room door shut close. I didn't move out immediately but waited till all noise died off, and eased the door open far enough to peek into the room.

Nik is tricky and it wouldn't hurt me if I thread carefully .

Cautiously, I stepped into my room and ran at lightening speed to the door, locking it swiftly. I didn't worry about my entrance door cause I was sure he would shut it on his way out.

Exasperated, I threw myself on my bed groaning and gripping my hair. His natural and manly smell mingled with the fruity scent of my shampoo was everywhere.

Why ? Why Maya?! Why are you such a chicken?! Why would you let him get away with everything just because of his good looks and sex appeal?!

Yeah, incredible sex appeal

” Ahh ! ” I bellowed and thrash around on my bed frustratedly. I grabbed a nearby pillow and angrily bit down on it.

Suddenly, my cellphone rang halting my momentary madness. I grabbed my cellphone from my nightstand without hesitation, but all feelings of excitement vanished from my eyes the moment I saw the contact name.



Nik's Pov

Immediately I walked out of her apartment, a car braked to a stop right in front of me. I opened the door and casually got in.

”I was beginning to think you weren't planning on leaving again ” Judy welcomed me with his witty tone as soon as I sat down.