Chapter Thirty - Three : Who Diced The Carrot? (1/2)
Maya's Pov
My head throbbed painfully at the sight of the two annoying figures who weren't on the verge of giving up.
”So have you made a decision? ” They asked at the same time rendering me speechless. One had a persuasive look on his face as if he could readily convince me to give in to his request while the other had a smug grin on his lips as if he could easily charm me over.
Before I could react, someone else beat me to it and it all happened in a blur.
”Oh yes, she has ” Izzy replied, moved past me and swiftly snatched the bags from their grip and slammed the door shut right in front of their faces.
”And that's how you handle the two idiots ” She appraised herself flaunting her wits dramatically
”What was that for?! ” I hollered, utterly bewildered
”For love sake, would a little manner kill you?”
She looked taken back for a moment before her gaze hardened , prompting her to leave with the bags while murmuring to my hearing
”This is what I get for helping someone out, you all can go to hell ”
I sucked in a shaky breath and opened the door but regretted it right away after seeing the victorious smirk on Nik's face.
If it wasn't a known fact that he wasn't on good terms with his daughter , I would've thought he and his daughter were in cahoot to ruin my life.
”Daddy! ” A tiny excited voice screamed from behind and I didn't need to guess who it belonged to.
I turned to see a sleepy Annabelle who was still rubbing her eyes run into her Father's embrace.
”Haha! My lovely bumpkin, daddy missed you last night ” He said engulfing her in a loving hug while she nestled her head in the crook of his neck.
”I missed you too, daddy ”
The warm and loving scene stirred my heart to the extent I was close to tears. I indeed had a loving family but their love wasn't for me, it was for the other daughter.
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, it was already in the past so there was no need crying over spilled milk.
Now talk about the other family.
Nik's adam's apple bobbed restlessly as he tried to start up a conversation with his er....loving daughter?
”It seems you had a lovely sleep last night, mom's ghost didn't haunt you enough? ” Izzy dropped as soon her dad approached her.
Bam! A deafening silence enveloped all.
I stared at this girl stunned to the core , couldn't she see her dad's trying to bridge the distance between them and what sleep? Even a blind man could make out the dark circles on his face, he obviously didn't get a wink last night.
Nik suddenly paled for a while but he covered it up with his poker face and he spat
”Oh yes, she did come but I killed her a second time ”
*Cough*Cough* Emily who was witnessing the family soap opera choked on her drink while I facepalm.
Was this idiot building bridges or burning bridges?
”Oh that's true ” Izzy sneered ”I've forgotten that you're the only psychopathic killer yet to be jailed ”
This time I mentally gave Izzy a thumbs-up, when it comes to exchange of words, the girl was totally unbeatable.
But I couldn't just sit by and watch them destroy each other, I had to do something.
Unfortunately it seems they guessed my intention cause as soon as I moved, they sent me a death glare that pinned me at that spot .
I raised my hands in surrender, fine just kill yourselves already, I'll gladly send your corpse to your father!
I sat back deciding this time to greedily watch the unfolding soap opera without interrupting.
All that was missing was a bowl of popcorn and a comfortable couch , the stool I was sitting on wasn't quite comfortable to watch on.
I stared at the two figures who had positioned their body in an argumentative stance, it was already a draw so it was left for another person to drop another bomb.
”Really? ” Nik laughed but I could perceive the coldness behind it and when our eyes met, I could literally see an infinite number of knives suspended in the air waiting to be projected towards their unyielding victim.
”Really ” Replied Izzy, an equally malicious smile on her lips with her own infinite number of knives locked unto her target.
They were literally shooting lasers from their eyes.
I chilled at once while internally praying to God, 'Please don't let them drag me into their family drama' .
Thankfully God answered my prayer .... at the expense of another.
”Izzy, you shouldn't talk to uncle that way... ” Annabelle interrupted unexpectedly and I shook my head sympathetically for the girl.
R. I. P
”Shut up ! , don't interrupt when the elders are talking ” Izzy sassed back as expected, glaring daggers at the poor girl who hurriedly turned to her father wailing and demanding to be avenged .
Unfortunately for Annabelle , even Eden knows when the dice isn't in his favor. He knew how to tread carefully cause the girl's quite a prowess in both the word and mind game so he could only find another way to placate his daughter.
”It's alright sweetheart ” He said sweetly running his hands through his daughter's hair ”Don't mind Izzy, she's just jealous of your beauty ”
A loud snort came from behind but one needn't bother to find out who did it.
I couldn't blame Izzy, there was just some allegations sometimes you don't bother to clarify cause the result is quite obvious.
Even though both girls were beautiful , the difference was quite clear.
Annabelle had straight brown hair with baby blue eyes that one could stare on for centuries, her eyes were so alluring that I could see why Eden couldn't refuse her a favour.
She just had to blink her eyes repeatedly and pout her lips a bit and even a man with the strongest mental strength would give in.