Chapter 29:Twenty - Nine : The Spencer Clan (1/2)
Nik's Pov
It wasn't surprising when the old man requested my presence, nothing goes past his ears anyway. I breath deeply wondering why the hell I let Judy guard her in the first place but thinking about it, the reason seems numerous.
The girl's clumsy with the ability to magnet trouble wherever she goes and naive, I truly wondered how she survived this world on her own these past years. She's intelligent but certainly not brilliant but I got to give it to her, she's quite tough to deal with.
I chuckled, realizing it was her naivety that made her stand out from other women, it made her cute in a special type of way.
I only hope our future baby inherit's my intellectual gene and not her's else there would be trouble but truly I wouldn't mind another miniature version of Maya cause she'll be treated specially and definitely loved, I'll just have to learn to handle the double trouble.
”We're here sir” My chauffeur announced snapping me out of my thought. My eyes widened at once, what shit have I being thinking about all this while? I groaned, knowing I would slowly go crazy if I keep this up.
I stepped out gracefully staring around and inhaling the fresh morning air. Not even looking intimidated by the magnificent castle nor the endomorphic looking bodyguards guarding it . So I walked in hoping to settle this as soon as possible.
The Oldman was in the sitting room feeding and scratching a caged colourful parrot on the head.His posture was free and spirited as he continued making squawking sounds which the bird imitated.
”For an Oldman you do have a lot of free time disturbing a busy man ” I remarked with heavy sarcasm while he tilted his head slightly barely acknowledging my presence.
So I gently took a seat waiting for the man who was immersed in his quiet time with the bird, though the parrot didn't really grab the concept of quiet cause it kept singing with its ever changing mixture of gurgles, trills, whistles and squawking sounds.
”Lo how long do ye ignore me O oldman ?” I taunted using a Shakespearean accent .
He glared at me as my lips revealed a smirk, I knew he hated that word 'Oldman ' but it felt good to get on his nerve
”You young generation ” he started, breaking his colourful suspense ”With no respect nor regard for the older generation.” He frowned deeply before he continued ” I married your late mother at age twenty so I wonder how old I really am”
I stiffened at once,I hated the memories of my mom being brought up.
” I have no time for our parrot and monkey time over Maya so I'm gonna cut straight to the chase ”
I stood abruptly, halting the man's movement to feed his parrot. ” Don't dare touch her, she belongs to me ” I warned with a deep ferocity that even stunned me talk more the Oldman that was struck dumb.
”You know I named her Maya ” He said and I followed the direction of his gaze only for it to rest on the bird. I scoffed, how could he compare that ugly bird to my pretty Maya.
”Warm, cheerful and most of all a good company just like her ” he muttered stroking the bird's head lovingly but I caught a glint of disdain in his eyes which he hid perfectly well.
”I love that girl ” He confessed and my eyes narrowed at once, what's he trying to say?
”Out of all your playthings she's my most beloved and I would've taken her if only you haven't claimed her as yours”
My body stiffened with my fist clutched as I glared daggers at him but he ignored me.
His affectionate gaze deepened as his hands trailed from the birds head down to it's neck
”But I wouldn't trade her for your safety ” His affectionate demeanor suddenly turned cold and his hold on the bird tightened as it flapped its wings struggling for survival.
”I wouldn't let anything nor anyone compromise your safety cause you can always find a thousand Maya out there and even if you don't, I'll gladly clone one for you ”
He retorted and suddenly wriggled the parrot's head, successfully separating the head from the body with the blood splattering on its cage and on his hands.
A normal human being would've thrown up, cower in fear or shuddered but I stood unmoved, not even a bit shaken. Being nurtured in the Spencer family was one thing but being raised as a successor from birth was another story all together .
Being a successor was a huge weight and responsibility that I had to carry on my shoulder .It was a position destined for me from womb, I had to undergo trainings a normal human being wouldn't dare go through, done and seen things others wouldn't , so this was just a tip of the ice.
The only reason why Kay easily got into our family was of two reasons. Poppy love and business benefits . I was too young then to understand that there was a whole deal to love, that it wasn't just something to be trampled with easily cause it stings and scarcely heals.
Moreover Kay Wilson and I have being childhood sweethearts so it only made sense for us to end up eventually together and a concrete connection with the Wilson family would insure and solidify our business operations, so a relationship with them meant more business opportunities and collaborations.
It was quite obvious that Kay was a spoiled brat cause every of her requests were granted on a whim.
At first it was just an engagement but then she decided to move in with me which I objected but Kay had great persuading powers that could even convince a king to give up his throne.
Thanks to the drugging I never knew Kay was already pregnant with our baby until both families discovered it by chance but kept mum, instead decided we should have a wedding.
They kept me in the dark until Kay's belly started showing and I figured everything out and all feelings of love began to dissipate one after the other.
I felt betrayed and devastated, how could they keep such huge development from me?
Thankfully Kay was two years older than me so she was officially eighteen but it was still risky since it was her first child so a lot of care and medical attention were showered upon her.
Then, she wouldn't even dare take a step without a medical practitioner helping her out.