Chapter Twenty - One : Ill Keep Seducing You Day By Day (2/2)
”You were saying? ”
'Nice manicure ” Annabelle said with an excited glint in her eyes as she asked ” Where did you get it done? ”
”Oh this? ”I said with pride ”I do it myself ” I explained further showing off my workmanship .
”Oh ” Annabelle said, the excitement in her eyes dimming at once. What was wrong?
Thinking I might have said something wrong i tried to elevate her spirit by praising her's but that was a huge mistake
”Yours not bad, where did you get them ” I asked innocently
”Oh this” She said with a smug smile on her lips ”My makeup company works on it everyday ” She said putting on airs as I made a mental note not to ask her questions pertaining to her wealth again but she wasn't close to being done as she rattled on
”My dad got me my own private makeup company when I was six years old as a birthday present and ever since then it's being expanding.I have three branches, one in Paris, Miami and in Los Vegas. I take my friends to go visit there sometimes and they all swoon on how much they want to be me or have my type of father which is totally impossible. Well last summer I tried opening my own clothing line.... ”
” Which was closed down because it went bankrupt due to your inability to manage your resources, yeah everyone knows about that ” Izzy cut in saving me my breath but she wasn't through with her nerve-wracking scolding.
”If you want to boost about your capability, go do it with a worthy opponent and maybe if your head works as fast as your mouth does, your clothing line wouldn't have being shut down ” Izzy retorted crudely.
How savage
I suddenly wondered how Annabelle could take much of her cousin's heartbreaking taunts.
Annabelle glared at Izzy as she bit down hard on her lips with tears glittering at her eyes, threatening to spill anytime soon
” You're so mean !! Taunt me just because your publishing company is going so well” Annabelle cried out, she brought her legs up-to her stomach and then placed her head on her laps and began to weep.
Izzy had a publishing company? And a successful one at that?
Tell me something.
”Crybaby ” Izzy murmured with a blank expression on her face as she looked out the window.
I groaned pressing my free hand on my temple, this was definitely going to be a long day for me.
Through out the rest of our journey to school, I spent it trying to soothe Annabelle who wouldn't stop crying, the girl was indeed a crybaby.
Annabelle arrived school with red puffy eyes while Izzy had a smug smile on her lips. Thankfully, since their registration and documents has already been done beforehand, I just had to settle them down for class.
Soon enough class began and as custom demands , they had to come to the front of the class and introduce themselves.
As usual, Annabelle filled with energy announced cheerfully
”Hi I'm Annabelle Spencer and I promise as long as we work together, you all are never going to regret a thing”
The whole class cheered and gave her an applause as she hurried to her seat thanks to the teacher's direction
When it came to Izzy's turn, unlike Annabelle's cheerful demeanor , her dark gaze was similar to the devil himself.
There wasn't an ounce of smile in her face, infact she looked like a demon straight out of hell and I couldn't help but notice a little girl in the front seat who cried out
”She's so scary”
But Izzy wasn't swayed at all as she started
” Name's Izzy Spencer and trust me, I don't need you losers around me ”
Everyone was stunned including the homeroom teacher, I'm not left out.
Noticing the tense and awkward environment, the teacher tried to loosen it a bit but that was her greatest mistake
”Erm children, what she means to say is that she doesn't like being surrounded by people a lot it... ”
”Who made you my spokesperson? ” Izzy threw as I choked on my saliva. What the f***ing hell!
The teacher's brow furrowed, confusion setting in as she fiddled with her hands nervously ”I was just... ”
”I believe I meant each and every word I said so I don't need any alterations ” Izzy cut in making her point clear as the teacher could only open and close her mouth helplessly.
Poor teacher , I mouthed.
Izzy didn't need any direction as she occupied a vacant seat at the back of the class near the window.
After the awkward life threatening silence, the first lesson which was mathematics began .The maths teacher taught them on Problem solving :
1:Multi-step words problems.
2:Words problems with extra or missing information.
3:Guess and check problems
Everything went well except Izzy didn't spare a glance at the white board while the teacher rambled on and on to the children who nodded in understanding until it got to the question and answer session.
Everything was going perfectly as the teacher threw questions at them and they answered, some correctly and some wrong after which they were corrected.
Annabelle even get one correct and she received an applause from the students as well as a compliment from the teacher until the teacher threw a very specific trick question.
”There are twelve birds on a tree, a hunter shoots six, how many birds are left? ” Came the teacher's question
Annabelle raised a hand up
”Yes? ” the teacher responded
”Six are left” Answered Annabelle confidently
”Wrong” The teacher responded leaving the class astonished while Annabelle was left with a sulky expression .
Everyone was sure the answer was six, well everyone except Izzy who wasn't in the least bothered by the sudden commotion
”Another person ?” The teacher requested but no one dared raise their hand . Just when the teacher was about to answer the question , a hand appeared from the back
” yes? ”
”I'll answer but on one condition ” Izzy said and I held my breath as I noticed that mischievous glint in her eyes. She was definitely up to something.
The maths teacher looked up intrigued at the sudden challenge
”Fine, what's your condition? ” The teacher said taking off her glasses as she stared at Izzy intensely but she didn't falter at once instead she faced the teacher head-on.
”You answer my question first ”
The teacher stared at her silently for a while before she finally muttered ”Go on ”
With a smirk on her lips, she began ”If there are twelve fishes and half of them drown, how many are left? ”
Flustered, the teacher cried out ” Of course twelve, fishes don't drown! ”
”Of course none, birds don't stay still after they're startled.So maybe next time,you should come up with a better question for the class”
I almost spat blood. How could she speak to her teacher that way?!!. Just when I was about to interfere before the teacher explodes my phone choose that moment to ring. I would've ignored it but after I glanced at the caller ID, I froze
”Kim? ” My sister ?
What was going on?