Chapter Nine : Isabella (1/2)
Nik's POV
There was no way I was letting Maya go, not after what I went through to get her.So I gave the best offer I knew Eden wouldn't even bid to , not even in his next life just for a nanny?
”Niklaus” The oldman breathed , rubbing his palms together ”let's be realistic,shall we?”
”Not even you can change my mind,father”I retorted glaring at him.I knew he was trying to favour Eden like he always does but there was no way I was letting him this time.
” Like I said let's be realistic”He demanded and I had to let go knowing he definitely had something up his sleeve
”So what now?”
”We put Maya to a test”
”Test?” Maya murmured turning pale, I knew she was already weighing herself down by believing she wasn't going to pass the test.
The girl has serious inferiority complex issues.
”Yes,dear.Just like my son said,what if Annabelle fires you?Turn the table round, what's the probability Isabelle won't kick you out too?”My dad said using my word against me.
”Zero, probably” Eden snorted and I had to hold myself back from really throwing him a punch, a real hard punch on the face.
”So?”I retorted ” I'm her father, I decide whose to be fired or not plus Maya's not taking the damn test ”
”Same here too? I'm Anabelle's father and I decide who to fire or not .....” Eden challenged
”Prior to her request”I interjected earning a glare from him. Suddenly, I saw a smile creep up his face and knew he wasn't done , if anything he was getting started.
”Yes, I admit that Nik but let's be honest here, what have you done for Izzy? nothing . The only good thing you've ever done is tossing her over to your dad for safe keeping”
”I told you her name is Isabelle not Izzy”I growled , my fist ready to attack when Maya got in between us yelling
”I don't know what the hell is between you guys but if you two lads don't calm down now, I'm leaving and never coming back !”
Then she turned and faced me , poking me hard in the chest she said ”And for the record, I'm taking the fucking test, so take it or leave it”
I stared, stunned at the anger and confidence she just displayed. Even though I was supposed to be angry at her for defiling and disobeying my order but I couldn't help admiring how hot and cute she looked pulling off that angry stunt. Get a grip Nik.
”what's the test?” Maya asked with a boost of confidence I've never seen around her.I just pray she doesn't come back broken when Isabelle wouldn't spare her a look
”Get Isabelle to come down for dinner”My father announced and I froze but Maya's countenance said different
”Just that?” Maya scoffed not knowing there was no way she was going to survive that , my dad totally mauled her.
”Yes love” He answered with the sweetest smile ever.
”So I get Isabelle down here , I get to be her nanny and if I fail?”
”You go back to being Eden's date for the night” He dropped the bombshell that got Eden grinning like an idiot but anger boiling inside me.
It was obvious Maya was going to fail, Isabelle was no respector of man or woman.She had vehemently denied my invitation for dinner not once or twice over the years so there was no assurance Maya was going to come out successful.
”Deal.Where's Isabelle's room?” Maya asked with a fake smile and I knew all the adrenaline bubbling in her veins must have exhausted, she was back from cloud nine.
Welcome back to reality,I mocked mentally.
”I'll take her” Emily offered and my dad nodded in approval without noticing Eden murmurring by his side.
Maya walked alongside Emily as she took her up the plight of stairs before stopping at a room at the far end of the passageway.Maya could'nt help noticing the huge notice board plastered on the door
” Busy. Do. Not. Disturb ” Maya read outloud the words written in bold italics to the amusement of Emily
”Really?” She asked with a raised brow
Emily chuckled ”welcome to the world of Isabelle and for the record, call her Izzy not Isabelle if you want to make a good first impression”
”Wow, she must be a really good kid” Maya murmurred but Emily shook her head in disapproval.
”Don't use sarcasm Maya, she's super smart for a ten year old”