Chapter Two : Ill Drag Them Straight To Hell. (2/2)
”Darling, it's give and take,” he answered coldly as I sighed in disappointment.
Getting a taxi by this time of the night was going to prove hard plus Mr cold and heartless wouldn't let me go until he has evidence I won't come threatening him with fake injuries.
Like he's some celebrity, I snorted.
”Fine” I gave up at last ”I'll write a statement stating I'm hale and hearty which you can use against me in the court of law. So, how does that sound?” I said confidently, throwing the ball in his court. It's all up to him now
A spasmodic frown made its presence known on his features as he murmured a few incomprehensible words before giving me an answer
”Fine,” he agreed, giving me a smile that didn't reach his cheek and thrust his hand forward for a handshake ”Deal?”
I stared at his outstretched hand wondering if it was wise striking a deal with Mr danger. Knowing I wasn't a chicken, I enveloped his big calloused hand in a handshake
”Deal then,” I said, giving him a heartwarming smile which didn't go halfway warming his frozen heart.
I couldn't help admiring his long lean fingers decorated with exquisite and obviously expensive rings. He was obviously rich, no wonder he needed evidence from me cause blackmailing usually means loss of money and he doesn't intend to lose any.
Wow, a good economist.
I would've explored further if electricity hadn't zinged through my body and I withdrew my hand at once.
He stared at me awkwardly and I wondered if he felt that too. If he surely felt that, he was absolutely good at hiding it cause he resumed his normal cold expression.
”What are you still waiting for?” He asked ”Get into the car ”
I walked towards his car and thankfully he opened the car door for me. Well, he still remembers what being a gentleman is
”Thank you?” I more like questions but either way, he didn't reply.
Lesson learned Maya, keep your thanks to yourself.
He sat beside me and his chauffeur drove to the hotel. We sat in silence, more than a few minutes passed with no one willing to start a conversation until I decided enough was enough
”So, what do you do for a living?” I started, trying to indulge in whatever sparks his interest but his response wasn't encouraging at all
” None of your business” he shot at me with no ounce of emotion in his voice
The second lesson learned, no conversation with him
Left with no other choice, I started humming a song to myself and noticed his grim face and clenched fist
”God damn you” he sworn loudly at me out of nowhere
”And damn you too” I retorted deciding enough was enough.
What the hell was wrong with him?
Can't he recognize and acknowledge my right to speech? I was so angry I cast a six hundred thousand wattage glare at him - if that was possible.
I knew at once if we didn't tear each other apart before reaching our destination, then, there was no way we would avoid a crash, and trust me when I say there won't be a survivor. Not even his chauffeur cause I'll drag them straight to hell