35 Being thrifty is not a sin (1/2)
Two black obsidian eyes doused with a roguish glint looked back at her, ”Not so dignified and vicious as that night, are we?”
Jiao Yu's eyes widens at the person in front of her, ”You!”
The man in front of her looked eager to hear what Jiao Yu was going to say but instead, Jiao Yu only fumingly stared back at him. At this moment, Jiao Yu wished that she could tackle the man down to make him pay for what he has done that night and on the other side Yu Jie Xing had to keep himself fom chuckling as one could tell what Jiao Yu was thinking and finds it amusing to see Jiao Yu's adorable face fuming with embarrassment and anger.
Jiao Yu's eyes looked with a tinge of disgust. One did not know why she had that knid of reaction but she could not keep her eyes from contorting into something like that. And if people were to see how she looked at him, the world might protest and might gouge out her eye. Who in the world would not get drawn into that obsidian eyes? Who in the heavens have ever looked at that impeccable face with disgust?
Jiao Yu find it quite difficult handling the man in front of her and even more so, when she did not even know the name of the person that night.That night, Jiao Yu had been thinking about their encounter and was slightly thankful that, even after knowing her identity and getting caught by him in action, he did not seem to have any plan to bust her out of her actions that night.
Seeing that Jiao Yu was still not speaking, Yu Jie Xing took the initiative to speak, ”This is the third time we have met but I wonder when will you return the favor of me helping you find a path to get away from trouble?”
Jiao Yu's brow furrowed slightly but those tiny movement made her looked like an innocent child, ”Haven't I already said my thanks?”
”You have?”
”Yes.. Haven't I said thank you earlier?” Jiao Yu plainly told him.
Yu Jie Xing looked at Jiao Yu and could not help but feel surprised at every words and actions the female in front of him did. He had met her only a third time but in every time they encountered, he could not help but be surprised at every turn.
And instead of getting the same reactions from the young ladies ogling him and find him valuable than their lives, the female in front seemed to treat him as if he was a bug that she needed to get away every time she looked at him with those adorable big eyes.
Yu Jie Xing could not understand what was behind her mind that made her look at him with disgust. And made him slightly uncomfortable and thought that he might have dirt on his face.
A heavy and deep chuckle came from Yu Jie Xing, ”I did not know that not only are you impatient but also very thrifty.”
”Being thrifty is not a sin” Jiao Yu retorted.
”Indeed, it is not. However, returning back a favor after I had helped you greatly that night is what we call manners.” The smile on Yu Jie Xing turned a little bit cold and made Jiao Yu shrink back slightly.
And instead of getting intimidated by that cold smile playing on his mouth, Jiao Yu said, ”You must have forgotten but interfering with other people's business is what we call being meddlesome. Or perhaps no one had told you that.”
”You are such a stubborn young lady but you are right.. no one had told me that because apparently, every person who had rebuked my words have already been buried to the ground.”
The arrogance in his words were disturbing and startling, Jiao Yu felt the danger in his voice but did not back down, ”I guess those people were smart enough to seek death and depart from this cruel world.”