Part 27 (1/2)

Carol's lips pressed together and her face hardened. ”The police couldn't do anything about it. The complaint was dropped.”

”That's why I want to speak with Skylar. I need to understand why she dropped it.” Carol's eyes searched Jack's face for a moment as he continued. ”A friend of mine is missing, and I need to know if Arber has anything to do with it.”

Carol deflated. Her shoulders slumped, and she looked from face to face. ”I'm so sorry. Certainly. How can I help?”

”It would be best if I could speak to Skylar.”

Carol nodded as she took a step toward the house. ”She's at my sister's with my daughter for school break. I'll write down the number.”

Jack reached for his notepad, and Replacement handed Carol her phone. ”Could you type it in the notepad app, please?” Replacement asked.

”My sister's name is Janice. I'll call her and let her know you're going to call, but...” Carol looked up at the sky. ”I don't know if Skylar will say anything.”

”Do you know why Skylar dropped the report?”

Carol nodded and then shook her head.

”Carol. I wouldn't ask if I wasn't looking for my friend. I know Arber had a past in France-”

”You found out about that?” Carol's eyes locked on his. ”I looked him up when Skylar came here, but...”

Let her go. Don't try to convince her. Let her decide on her own. She took Skylar in. She cares about her. She wants to help.

She squeezed her arm and as she continued. ”Skylar refused to file the report. She changed her story and insisted to the police it wasn't her.”

Jack softened his voice. ”Her mother, Tina, said she was dating Arber and got mad at him when she was drunk. Tina said she made it all up.”

”Tina made that all up. Tina lied. Skylar told my daughter what really happened, and my daughter told me.” Her chin lowered and her mouth pulled down on one side. ”I went to the police, but with Tina 'confessing' and Skylar refusing to say anything, what could they do?”

”What did your daughter say happened?”

Carol tossed her head back and she tightly crossed both arms. ”Skylar was only seventeen, but that man preyed on her. Arber was dating Tina but I think he was really after Skylar.”

”Why didn't her mother do anything?” Replacement asked.

”Skylar asked if I'd go with her to talk to her mother, and I did. I knew Tina in high school, but I never imagined she'd turn out like that. At first Tina said she was going to-” she inhaled, ”nail him to the wall, but after she called the police...Tina got a phone call from Arber. He said Skylar had a crush on him and made the whole thing up.”

”Tina bought that?” Replacement looked disgusted.

”No.” Carol shook her head. ”Arber bought her. To clear up the 'misunderstanding,' he gave her a vacation, money, and did you see that car? The red convertible in the driveway?”

Replacement looked at the car in disgust.

”For some people it's thirty pieces of silver. For Tina...she sold her daughter for that car. I hate that d.a.m.n car.” Carol looked down. ”Excuse my language, but it just kills me. Skylar is the nicest girl, and she has to live with not only what happened to her but...she knows. She knows Arber gave her mother that car and why. Now she's reminded of it every time she sees her mother driving around town.”

”I'm sorry.” Jack placed a hand on her shoulder.

Carol patted his hand. ”If I can do anything to help...”

”You already have.” Jack lightly squeezed her shoulder. ”Thank you for your time.”

She stood in the driveway and watched Jack back out.

”What a world.” Replacement put her feet up on the dashboard.

Kiku ran her finger along the window. ”I will go take a closer look at Arber tonight.”

”Not you.” Jack slipped the car into drive and headed for downtown.

”What?” they replied as one.

”I'll call Joe Davenport and make sure he pays Arber a visit. That will keep Arber in line until I can deal with him.”

”But what if he had something to do with Marisa?” Replacement protested.

”He didn't. He's a serial rapist. Marisa doesn't fit his MO.” Jack gripped the steering wheel. ”He goes after young girls. The girl in France, and now Skylar. He probably goes with woman his age as a cover. Like that lady he had over.”

”Lady?” Replacement spat.

”I'm going to deal with Arber after we find Marisa. Meanwhile, Joe will shake him up enough he won't try anything.” Jack sped up.

”I do not like the justice system in this country, Officer.” Kiku stared out the window. ”It is slow.”

Replacement looked at Jack. He kept driving.

”We'll hit the tattoo parlor and talk to Shawn. It's fis.h.i.+ng, but it's better than waiting around.”

”Why consider him? Just because he asked Marisa about buying the tattoo parlor?” Replacement asked.

”I said it's thin, so we don't need to lean on him hard.” He glanced back at Kiku, and she grinned. ”I just want to see his reaction, and see if anyone has heard anything.”

”I think I am better prepared to ask him questions.” Kiku leaned forward. ”Do you mind? How do you Americans say it-giving me a turn at bat?”

”What's your angle?” Jack asked.

”You have spoken with him a few times with no results. I have many methods of enticement. Give me fifteen minutes?”

Jack begrudgingly nodded.

Replacement looked wide-eyed at him before she closed her mouth with a huff.

Jack parked in front of the tattoo parlor. Even though it was early, six people sat around the tables; Shawn stood behind the counter.

Jack put his hand on the car door handle and looked back. ”How do you want to play this?”

”You start the conversation. Then follow my lead.” Kiku's smile fired up his curiosity.

They all exited the car and, as they headed toward the door, a man rode his bicycle down the sidewalk. Jack walked forward, held out his hand, and pointed to the road. The man swerved off the sidewalk, making Replacement giggle.

Kiku held the door open for him. ”After you, Officer.”