Part 12 (1/2)
Replacement shrugged. ”I just got the case this morning. I started with online stuff. I got zip. No social media. She said their finances are pretty thin. She had to stop working.”
”Maybe that's why he's working more.”
”Nope. He's salaried.”
She sat there, swinging her legs, and looked at the pile of clothes.
”What's with the weird clothes and your hair?”
”The clothes. They're totally not you, and-” She jumped down and stared at the pile. ”Did you go undercover?”
”No, it was-”
”You did.” She pulled the curtain open, and Jack yanked it back.
”I didn't. I'm not going to get into it now.”
”I can't believe you went-” Replacement suddenly froze and then fumbled for her phone. She looked down and pressed a few b.u.t.tons as she called out, ”This is about my case. I have to go.” She dashed out of the bathroom.
Jack stood there for a minute before he turned off the water. He watched the drops fall from his body and splash below. He heard the front door close. The last of the water swirled down the drain as he climbed out of the tub.
I need some sleep. A couple hours, and I'll start fresh.
He walked into the bedroom and checked the phone Ilario gave him, but there were no messages. He laid it on the table next to his bed and set the alarm on his clock.
Two hours and I'll go back to Marisa's apartment.
He picked up his phone and hit redial. Marisa's voicemail clicked on so he hung up. Forcing himself to slowly lower the phone to the table, he unclenched his hand and shook his head.
Jack lay in bed, listening to the hum of cars driving by, and quickly fell asleep.
Bra.s.s knuckles Jack sat bolt upright and looked out the window.
It's dark. d.a.m.n.
He grabbed his alarm clock: 6:30 p.m.
Someone turned it off.
He kicked his blankets back, and stormed into the bathroom. After he got dressed, he threw open the bedroom door and headed into the kitchen. A note was propped on the counter.
”If I set my alarm clock, I do it for a reason,” he growled in the general direction of the empty computer chair.
He crumpled up the note, but when he opened the refrigerator, his scowl softened. Replacement had made him a roast beef sandwich and an iced tea.
It's hard to stay mad at someone who's trying to watch out for you.
He bowed his head.
G.o.d. Please let her be okay.
Jack hit redial on his phone and then waited.
As he ate the sandwich, he went to get his shoes and jacket. He took both phones, wallet, keys, and his gun as he headed out the door. He looked for Replacement's blue Bug, but it was gone. Jack frowned as he started up the Impala. He took out his phone and hit redial, again.
He drove to the tattoo parlor, but the lanky guy shook his head as Jack pulled up to the curb. Jack slid the transmission into park and then marched up to the door. Three girls and seven guys hung out at the tables. All of them looked up as he flung the door open.
The lanky guy held up his hands. ”She hasn't showed,” he answered quickly.
”She call?” Jack asked.
The lanky guy shook his head.
Jack turned to address the groups at the tables. ”Have any of you seen or spoken with Marisa?”
Silence and blank faces were their response. Jack took four steps forward before he stopped at a table with three guys in their early twenties.
”I asked a question. Have any of you-”
A guy with wide set eyes and an angular nose scoffed, ”Like we'd tell you if we did.”
Jack grabbed him by the hoop in his ear. The man shrieked.
”Sorry, but my hand accidentally caught your earring. What did you say?” Jack growled.
”I haven't seen her. I haven't.” The man's voice was now two octaves higher.
”What about the rest of you?”
More silence.
Jack flexed his finger, and the man whined, ”Answer him, answer him.”
They all shook their heads, accompanied by a mumbled, ”no.”
Jack let go of the earring as he turned to the guy behind the counter. ”What's your name?”
”Shawn, Shawn Miller. I'm the a.s.sistant manager.”
”Are you sure she hasn't been here? Maybe she came in and went right to her office?”