Part 6 (1/2)

”Did you see these guys? What they looked like?”

”Only one. I think he was Asian.”

”Asian? Anything else about him? What he was wearing?”

”He had on a black s.h.i.+rt, but it was hard to tell because his whole body was tattooed.” He moved his hand all around his upper body. ”And he had black, spiky hair, all pointed up.”

”What about the other guy?”

Thaddeus shook his head. ”I couldn't see him because of Ms. Vitagliano.”

”Marisa was with them?” Jack tried to picture the three people and the car outside the door. ”Was she standing in front of him?”

Thaddeus nodded yes. ”They brought her out, and when she saw me, she gave me a look, so I hid.”

”Did they see you?”

He shook his head no.

”What did Marisa look like?”

”Scared. She was really scared.”

The t.i.tans Sirens and lights filled the alley as cruisers continued to arrive. Jack stood outside the rear door until Sheriff Collins's car pulled in.

”Sheriff Collins, I didn't think-”

”You and that statement seem inseparable, Stratton! You didn't think,” Sheriff Collins snapped in his tw.a.n.g.

”Sir, I have a witness who-”

”You have a witness who filed a police report last night, Jack. Last night. You're not the only cop in the station, Stratton. Get yourself and your witness in my car. We're going back to the station.”

”But, sir-”

”It's not a request, Stratton.” Sheriff Collins spun on his heel and then marched for the car. Jack took Thaddeus by the elbow and followed after Collins.

”It's okay, Thaddeus. We just-”

”Actually, it's not okay, Jack.” Collins's tan face was beet red as he waited for the doors to close before he rammed the cruiser into gear.

”Sheriff Collins, Thaddeus saw-”

”I know what he saw, Jack. You might not think it, but I do my job.”

”I'm not saying that, sir, but this is a possible abduction and nothing was done.”

”Nothing?” Collins strangled the steering wheel. ”We checked it out, Jack, and that's what it looks like-nothing. But something was done. I did report it to the state, and now I have two Feds sitting in my office. They want to speak to the both of you.”


”You called it in, Jack. They heard. Why the h.e.l.l would you call for backup when he filed the report yesterday?”

”I didn't know he filed a report.” Jack's hand went up.

”I told him I went to the police station,” Thaddeus corrected him.

Collins glared at Jack.

”I didn't think-”

”There it is again, Stratton: I didn't think.” Collins drove up to the steps of the police station. ”I just got all the news crews out of my lobby, and now two Feds are taking their place. Go fix this.”

”Fix this?” Jack snapped. ”Marisa may have been abducted.”

Collins turned quickly in his seat to look at Thaddeus. ”Nice to see you again, Thaddeus.” The older man smiled. ”Do you remember when you spoke with me last night?” He stressed the word and shot a quick scowl in Jack's direction.

Thaddeus nodded.

”You told me about those men who walked out to the car with Ms. Vitagliano?”

Thaddeus nodded.

”You said she was walking and didn't appear hurt?”

He nodded again.

”Was she struggling or fighting?”

He shook his head.

”You said you were upset because maybe she gave them your ham sandwich?”

He hesitated and then nodded.

”And you wanted a coffee because it kept you warm?”

Another nod.

”Then you asked me if I knew why this winter was so warm. I didn't know, but you said you did. Can you tell Officer Stratton what you told me?”

Thaddeus smiled as he pulled himself forward. Jack saw Collins's nose wrinkle at the smell but, other than that, his expression was blank.

Thaddeus cleared his throat, and then spoke. ”Well, the Russians and the Chinese have been drilling in both the North and South Poles in search of methane. This is very significant because only a little change in the amount of methane in the atmosphere will spell disaster for humans.”

”Now...” Collins closed his eyes briefly and turned his head to inhale before he continued, ”Why would the Russians and Chinese be purposely making the Earth uninhabitable?”

”Uninhabitable for us.” Thaddeus held up a finger. ”But not for the t.i.tans.”