Part 4 (1/2)

He looked down at his watch and quickened his pace. Part of the reason he kept thinking about Replacement was he was worried about Marisa. She was the type of woman who'd remain calm in an earthquake. Nothing got her fl.u.s.tered, yet something had.

Jack hated that feeling; some unknown blackness made his chest tighten and palms sweat. He clenched his fists and lowered his head. Part of him also loved it. He didn't know whether it was the adrenaline terror produced or something else buried inside, but there was a part of him that embraced the rush. It had almost cost him his life on more than one occasion, but when the alarm bells rang and every sane person ran the other way screaming in fear, Jack ran straight at it with a smile on his face.

He rounded the corner and scanned the street as he approached Marisa's tattoo parlor. The lights were off. He checked his watch: 11:10. Jack expected her to walk out of the doorway again, but this time it was deserted. He tried the door. It was locked. He knocked.

No answer. d.a.m.n. She was nervous, but it was just a feeling, right?

He peered in the window but couldn't see anyone. A lone car turned onto the road, and Jack walked over to look at the driver. The guy who ran the Laundromat on the corner waved as he drove past. Jack forced a smile, nodded his head, and looked back at the deserted store.

I'll come by tomorrow. She just spent the night with Replacement. Maybe she's had enough for the day?

Two's enough Jack walked through the apartment door only to find Replacement was nowhere to be seen. He dropped everything from his pockets on the counter and looked at the clock: 7:29 a.m.

As he opened his bedroom door, he saw Replacement curled up in his bed, fast asleep. He exhaled but the corner of his mouth turned up.

There goes her promise about sleeping in her own bed.

He quietly made his way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. She was still sleeping when he came back in, so he carefully slid into his side of the bed.

After waiting for a moment to make sure he hadn't awakened her, he rolled onto his side and watched her. She lay curled up in a ball with the blanket tightly wrapped around her body. She always kept a soft sheet clutched against her face and chest like a security blanket. Replacement's hair fanned out on the pillow as her chest softly rose and fell. He wanted to wake her up to talk to her.

Jack rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling.

How is that? There are, like, seven billion people on the planet, and I've met the only two I can't get out of my head? Two? What's the percentage on that? What am I talking about...two's enough. Too many.

Jack grinned at his own joke and then gazed again at Replacement.

I'm like a little kid. I want to wake her up so she'll play with me...

He closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

Jack heard giggling, but he couldn't tell where it was coming from. He looked up to see a field stretched out before him, the gra.s.s blowing in the breeze.

I'm dreaming.

The sky was a crystal blue and completely clear. He could almost feel the warm breeze on his face.

I like this dream.

A little girl, previously hidden by the gra.s.s, jumped up and ran away from him.

”Hey,” he called out to her.

She turned her head and Jack saw the side of her face.

She's laughing.

Her arms went out wide and her brown hair streamed behind her. Jack ran after her. Her giggling was infectious and between that and the sun, he felt warmth beginning to grow in his chest. He stretched his own arms out wide so he could feel the tops of the gra.s.s tickle his hands as he ran.

”Wait for me,” he yelled.

She slowed down. The girl looked back, letting her mouth open. The smile had vanished, and Jack could see fear in her eyes. Her giggles had changed to shrieks. She wasn't happy; she was terrified.

Jack held out his hand to her as he quickened his pace.

”No, kid. I'm not going to hurt you.”

The girl's little legs moved faster as she glanced over her shoulder. Jack noticed she was focused on something behind him. He turned around to see a black cloud rus.h.i.+ng toward them. It looked like a giant wave that had already broken but was still hurtling forward, crus.h.i.+ng the gra.s.s and shaking the ground as it thundered on.

”Run,” Jack shouted.

He tried to sprint, but groaned as pain shot through his legs. His feet wouldn't move; they were frozen to the ground. His legs wouldn't budge. Jack looked up, only to see the little girl had stopped too. She faced him now. Their eyes locked.

”RUN,” Jack ordered as he braced himself for the impact of the wave. ”RUN.” The cloud slammed into him and sucked him under; darkness enveloped him. The wave rolled him end over end, dragging him along the ground. Jack fought the urge to scream as rocks and debris bashed and cut him. His legs kicked as he tried to swim, but his limbs just flailed at the void.

Can't breathe. I can't breathe!

His chest tightened and his eyes burned as he struggled to hold his breath. Suddenly his head broke the surface. The wave continued to grow, lifting Jack higher and higher. He could see the little girl below, standing frozen as the wave towered above, poised to crash down upon her.

”RUN, RUN!” Jack sat up, screaming.

Replacement rushed into the room and frantically looked around. Jack scrambled out of bed, and then got to his feet, panting; his arms were up and ready to fight.

Replacement held out her hands. ”It was a dream, Jack. You're okay. Everything's okay.”

Jack wildly looked around the room, eyes wide open and lip twitching. He rubbed his eyes, nodded, and slowly lowered his arms.

Replacement started forward, but Jack shook his head. ”No. I'm good. I just need a second.” He held up his hand and breathed deeply three times. He lurched into the bathroom and shut the door. As he grabbed the edge of the sink, he lowered his head and arched his back.

d.a.m.n it. Me and dreams. Some people never dream. It's like I never stop.

He ran water and splashed it on his face and neck. He rested his elbows on the sink while he let his fingers dangle in the running water. After a few minutes, he walked out of the bathroom. Replacement was waiting for him, a gla.s.s of water in her hand.

”Thanks.” Jack grinned sheepishly. ”I think I should go for a run.”

”A run? You only got a couple hours of sleep.” Replacement frowned. ”You've been doing nothing but walking at work.”

Jack pulled some sweats out of the bureau. ”I won't be able to sleep.”

”Can I come?” She tilted her head.

Jack nodded so she rushed out. By the time he finished getting dressed and walked out of the bedroom, Replacement was already at the front door, ready to go. Jack smiled, despite himself.

Neither of them spoke as they left the apartment. It was a gray day, but he didn't care; he just wanted to run. Jack set a hard pace, but Replacement bounced happily along beside him. Her much shorter legs ran twice as fast as his, but she still breathed easily. Jack watched her out of the corner of his eye. Her head was in constant motion, and he noticed her lips moving from time to time. She looked up during one of those times and blushed.

”I talk to myself,” she huffed.

”Me too. Don't sweat it.”