Part 5 (1/2)

”Coin's car for quite soed; but some people said Hank wasn't to blay to buy the right kind of tires, and always picked up job lots”

”Glad to hear it He won't have that fault to find with the governor

Well, here we separate, fellows To-ht, to lay our plans and arrange for the trip to the city”

With a cheery good-night the chums separated, and each headed for his hoether, and for so which radually took the place of chaos

A knock at the door took Frank thither, for he suspected who the visitor ht prove to be, as he had left word at home to send Hank Brady there, if he called Hank was now decently dressed, and his face did not look so very bad, though it bore a nu with you to the bank My father knows all about it, for I thought it best to start square, so that you need not fear about his finding out anything about your past,” he said, shaking hands with the other

”And he don't give erly

”Of course he doesn't He even said that e did was right, and that he could look back to a day in his boyhood when a kind word started hiht sort, Hank Serve him decently, and you'll never want a better friend But at the same tiot the chance of your life to ht, or bust tryin' I'll never get over the white way you fellers acted with me, never, if I live a hundred years!” said Hank in a broken voice

Frank took hidon was favorably ied hi of a car Hank had worked in a garage for a year, and this knowledge was invaluable to him in his business as a chauffeur

That afternoon Frank and Bluff started for the city, with a list of things they believed should be purchased before they went forth upon their journey Bluff had in -knife, with an ivory handle, a picture of which he had seen in the catalogue of a sporting goods house, and he was secretly deterht come when a felloould have only his trusty blade between hiood one

Think of a big grizzly trying to hug you! Where would your little knife be, then? You'd soon wish you had that Cuban s on the wall of your father's den, Frank,” he said, when the other expostulated with hi weapon

And Bluff did buy it, too All the way hoe, and often, when Frank was not looking, he would go through certain gestures with it gripped in his hand, as though practicing against that day when the aforesaid grizzly and he would have their little heated argument for supremacy

Jerry, too, either felt shocked at the enor-knife, or else pretended to be He shrugged his shoulders in that scornful way he had, and turned his back on the prize Bluff had drawn

”What else could you expect of a un? Why, the poor innocent grizzly will faint dead away at sight of that cavalry sword It gives me a cold chill just to look at it,” he observed

Bluff only laughed

”Rank envy eating up your soul, that's all, ed tool I'll have you all turning green with envy yet,” he said, fondling the ivory-handled weapon ere he thrust it back into its sheath

The days dragged along Will counted theh of relief that they were a notch nearer the tiht arrived, and their co at the home of Frank, which was intended to be in the way of a send-off



There were just eight people gathered together that evening to have a good tidon, of course, Will's twin sister, Violet, graced the occasion with her presence; then there cairl with the auburn locks, as so fond of teasing Jerry; and last, but not least, pretty Susie Prescott, a dainty, prim little blonde, whom Will considered a bundle of sweetness

What a splendid tienial little company had! For many a day the memory of it would follow the four chums while far away

All of the ”ht to Frank's house, so that ittrunk Thus the boys would be bothered with only a suitcase and a gun apiece in the long journey across the continent