Part 27 (2/2)

”I implied that he and I had worked out at the same gym.” It wasn't quite like the girlfriend-breakup story, but once again he'd played around with the truth. He waited for the ax to fall.

”You're a smooth operator, Jasper Danes.”

He rubbed the back of his neck, not sure if she'd complimented him or condemned him with that remark.

”Then again, I'm not in a position to point fingers.” Anica grimaced. ”A really honest person would have immediately told her parents she'd turned her date into a cat.” She gazed up at him. ”I'm hoping it all gets fixed before they come home, so I never have to tell them.”

”I can understand that,” he said cautiously, not sure if he was out of the woods or not. ”So . . . do you want to go over and meet Griffin Taylor?”

She stood and picked up her coat and purse. ”I'd love to. I'm sure finding out about Griffin counts as a good deed, even if you had to fib a little to set it up.”

Relief flooded through him. ”I have to admit the good-deed thing has me worried. I gave away all that money and only got seven hours for it. What will it take to get the other twelve?”

”I don't know. Maybe you have to do acts of service instead of just giving away money.”

”Seems like it would have to be something really big.”

”Maybe not.” She handed him his coat and linked her arm through his. ”Let's go get acquainted with Griffin, shall we?”

An hour and two beers later, Anica excused herself from the table and walked over to the bar. Lily had been giving her questioning looks ever since Anica and Jasper had joined Griffin's table. Anica thought Lily deserved to be put out of her misery.

She leaned against the polished wooden bar. ”I have info on your boy.”

”How did you get chummy so fast? Does Jasper know him from somewhere?”

”No, but he pretended to so he could find out more about the guy.”

Lily stopped squirting seltzer into a gla.s.s and stared at Anica. ”And he would be doing this . . . why?”

”As a good deed. He's paid for two rounds of drinks so far and has given free investment advice to anyone at the table who wants it. He's living in Good Deed City right now. So, do you want to hear what we found out or not?”

”I'm listening. I have to keep working, though. I've been watching you guys too much and I'm a few drinks behind.”

”As you already know, Griffin's a divorce lawyer. He also isn't a big believer in happily ever after, which might be about the job, but not every divorce lawyer feels that way so I'm not sure if that's where the att.i.tude comes from.”

”I don't care about a happily ever after. I just want a happily right now in bed with that hottie.” Lily speared an olive and a pearl onion with a plastic toothpick before floating them in a martini gla.s.s.

”Are you sure? Because when we were little, you were the one who always wanted to dress up like a bride.”

Lily was silent for a few seconds. ”Maybe I wouldn't mind finding a guy like Griffin to marry.” She made a second martini and scooted both stemmed across the bar toward a waiter who carted them off on a tray.

”I'll bet if I got him horizontal once, I could change his mind about marriage.”

”Don't count on it. He's not your type, Lil. Too a.n.a.l. Too conservative.”

”I could fix that.”

”Eventually you'd have to tell him you're a witch.”

”By then he'll be so blissed out on good s.e.x that he won't care.”

Anica sighed. ”Don't say I didn't warn you. Listen, Jasper's doing all these minor good deeds, but I think he needs something major, something that will buy him a chunk of hours, maybe even the entire twelve. Any ideas?”

”There's the soup kitchen. It's open twenty-four/ seven.”

”Which soup kitchen? I'm sure there are several.”

”Probably. This is the one I know about and it's only a couple of blocks from here.” Lily set up two more and began mixing some drink Anica didn't recognize. ”One of my customers is in charge of it and mentioned it so I'd have a place to send anyone who wanders in and needs a meal but doesn't have money.”

”Could Jasper just go there?”

”I don't know. I'm sure there's a training program for volunteers, but maybe if I call they'd let both of you come in tonight as a special case.”

”That sounds brilliant.”

Lily grabbed her cell phone from under the bar and tucked the phone against her shoulder as she continued to mix drinks.

Anica realized she'd never fully appreciated her sister before. Because Lily had a gift for making friends, she also had a million contacts. This one could save the day.

Lily closed up her phone and stuck it back under the bar. ”You're all set. Clyde's expecting you.”

”That's fantastic, Lil. Which way is it?”

”Go out the door, turn right and go two blocks. It's on this side of the street. Can't miss it.”

”Thank you so much. This is huge.” Anica hurried back to the table. ”Sorry to break up the party, but Jasper and I need to be going.”

”We do?” Jasper glanced up at her. He'd ordered a third beer and seemed to be enjoying himself.

”It's either that or abandon that project you told me about. Doesn't it have to be finished first thing in the morning?”

”Yes. Yes, it does.” Jasper immediately pushed back his chair and grabbed both their coats.

Some of the guys at the table teased Jasper for his slave driver of a fiancee.

”No, no, she's focused,” Griffin said. ”I'd hang on to her if I were you, Danes. She'll help you get where you want to go.”

”I plan to hang on to her,” Jasper said.

Anica knew he had to say that to keep up the facade of them being engaged, but she liked hearing it all the same.

”So what do you have in mind?” he asked as they put on their coats and prepared to leave the bar.

”Lily set this up just now. There's a soup kitchen within walking distance. We can volunteer to help serve for as long as you want.”

”All night?”
