Part 24 (1/2)
He climbed onto the mattress. ”With an emphasis on the buff part.”
”Yeah.” She grinned. ”I haven't noticed that you have any problem getting naked.”
”No.” He caressed the slope of her breast. ”But I kind of like my undressing to be confined to groups of two.”
”So do I.” She leaned closer and pressed her mouth to his neck, where she began trailing kisses from there to his collarbone. ”I haven't been naked in a crowd for years. Not my thing. I'm not part of a coven, either. I'm what you call a solitary witch.”
Her explanation eased some of his anxiety. Besides, they'd spent more time on the subject than he wanted to give it. He slipped his hand between her thighs and discovered her hidden springs rising to the surface. ”You seem pretty happy to be entertaining company tonight.”
”Mm.” She moaned softly as he probed her dampness with his fingers. ”You're reminding me of my hostess duties.”
”Is that right?” He hoped she'd remembered her promise.
”Uh-huh.” Wiggling closer, she reached around him and opened the bedside table drawer.
He could have her wiggle and reach all day, considering how the movements caused her to rub her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against him and open her thighs to give him more access for his fingers.
Apparently she had a purpose other than that, though, because she produced a condom that she held between two fingers right in front of his nose. ”You'll need this for the next stage,” she murmured, her voice turned husky by his caress.
He loved that he could affect her that way. But he positively adored the way she rolled to her stomach, even though she dislodged his fingers in the process.
She more than made up for that when she pushed herself to her hands and knees and glanced sideways at him. ”Whenever you're ready, Jasper.”
If he hadn't fallen in love with her before, her saucy behavior now would have done the trick. He couldn't get that condom on fast enough or find his spot behind her soon enough. Then, sweet heaven, he was living a fantasy.
In the light from a host of flickering candles, he took her in the most basic, primitive fas.h.i.+on. If ever a s.e.xual position was designed to emphasize s.e.x and only s.e.x, this was it. Yet by offering herself to him this way, she'd triggered that emotion he'd nearly revealed earlier tonight.
His need for her was raw and hungry, no doubt about it. But threaded through that urgency was a tenderness that prompted him to lean forward, even in the midst of his rampant l.u.s.t, and kiss her shoulder.
”Thank you,” he whispered against her skin. Then all rational thought evaporated in the surge of s.e.xual excitement as he grasped her hips and pounded into her. The rhythmic slap of his thighs against hers filled the room. The candlelight seemed fitting, as if they were in a cave deep in the earth.
For this moment she was his mate and he was hers. Her back arched as she tensed beneath him. He reveled in the music of her cries as she came, and only then did he allow himself the release he craved. At the moment of o.r.g.a.s.m, he knew without a doubt that he loved this woman with a fierceness that shook him to his core.
But he wouldn't tell her. She'd made it clear that she wasn't ready to hear it.
They tumbled to the mattress and lay, panting and covered with sweat. He put his lips close to her ear. ”Do you fly on that broom, Anica?”
”Yes,” she murmured. ”Yes, I do.”
”Is it as good as this?”
Her laughter was breathless and filled with the satisfaction of good s.e.x. ”Not even close.”
He smiled. Maybe the magic wasn't so threatening, after all.
Anica woke with a start. She hadn't meant to fall asleep. She would bet Jasper hadn't meant to, either. He'd planned to go through her magic books in the time he had left and search out more clues for breaking the spell.
But they'd decided to cuddle for a few minutes and she'd nestled into the curve of his body, spoon fas.h.i.+on. She'd been asleep before she took three breaths.
That was irresponsible on her part. She knew better than to fall asleep with candles burning, but all was well. She'd been asleep only an hour, and the candles were in protective holders. She'd lost a precious hour with Jasper, though. He was within five minutes of his changing time.
She started to turn toward him to see if he was awake, but before she could do that, his arm tightened around her and pulled her close.
”I know,” he said. ”I know.”
”Did you sleep, too?”
”No.” He nestled his beard-stubbled chin against her shoulder. ”I didn't think we should both sleep with all these lit candles.”
She was mortified that he'd had to take over the job that should have been hers. ”I lit them, so I should have put them out. I can't believe I just fell asleep like that, as if I had no responsibility.”
”I'm glad you did. I'm sure you were exhausted. And I covered for you.”
”Thank you.” She seemed to be depending on other people a lot more recently-first Lily and now Jasper. It was a novel and not altogether comfy feeling to give up that control.
”My pleasure.” He gave her a squeeze that was more friendly than s.e.xual, which was wise considering the ticking clock. ”I liked lying here with you, watching the candles flicker while you slept. Gave me time to decide something.”
Her pulse rate picked up. ”Oh?”
”I'm going to take a guess about the spell. I was afraid to waste one of my three in case I'm wrong, but on the other hand, I don't want to waste an entire day, either, in case I'm right.”
Her chest tightened with fear and she hoped he couldn't sense it. ”You're sure? I thought you wanted to do more research first.”
”Don't worry.” He laughed. ”If I'm not right, I won't make another guess until I've read every d.a.m.n book on your bookshelf.”
She was impressed that he could laugh when the stakes were so high. He had more courage than she'd given him credit for. And they were almost out of time for him to make that guess. ”What is it, then?
”That I gain minutes every time I do a good deed.”
Relief flooded through her, and she rolled over to pull him into a fierce hug of triumph. ”You're right.” She nearly choked on the words, she was so excited for him. ”Oh, Jasper, you guessed it!”
”Thank G.o.d!” He hugged her back so tightly that her spine popped. Then he kissed her hard on the mouth before scrambling out of bed. ”I have to leave.”
”Jasper, it's okay! Please don't feel as if you have to leave when you-” She stopped talking, because he was gone. She could follow him, of course, but he obviously didn't want that.
She lay there staring at the candles. Now he knew. Now they could talk about it. Now she could help him lift the curse. It was wonderful, wasn't it? Why should she be worried?
The answer wasn't pretty. Right now, while he was still partly a cat, he needed her. He stayed in the apartment, stayed with her, because he had to have a safe place to live when he returned to his cat status.
Anica had told both Lily and herself that she hated having his fate in the palm of her hand. She was ashamed to admit that maybe she secretly liked having that much control over him. Once he managed to transform himself back forever he wouldn't need her anymore. Her control would be gone. He might be gone, too.
Chapter 22.
Jasper barely made it to the kitchen before the change hit him. He'd learned to go with it instead of resisting, which made the crossover ten times easier. He'd be glad when this didn't happen to him every night, but he wasn't horrified the way he had been the first couple of times he'd changed back into a cat.
And this change was the sweetest of all, because now he knew the secret for lifting the spell. Soon he'd be in charge of his life again. He'd already decided it wouldn't be the same life, though.