Part 15 (1/2)

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667. +Florentinian Paste.+-- Sift 1 pound flour on a pastry board, make a hollow in center, put in 1 cup b.u.t.ter, 1 cup sugar, 5 ounces grated chocolate, 2 whole eggs and the yolks of 5 hard boiled eggs rubbed through a sieve; add a little cinnamon and vanilla; knead this into a smooth paste and let it stand for 1 hour in a cool place before using.

668. +Almond Paste.+-- Pour boiling water over pound almonds, remove the brown skins, let the almonds lay in cold water for 24 hours and change the water 2 or 3 times; then pound the almonds in a wedgewood mortar with 2 tablespoonfuls water and the juice of lemon; press them through a sieve and mix with pound powdered sugar into a stiff paste; put the paste into a porcelain-lined saucepan and stir over the fire until it loosens itself from bottom of saucepan; remove the paste from the fire and when cold put some powdered sugar on a pastry board, lay the paste on the sugar and work it into a round ball; then set it in a cool place 1 hour before using.

669. +Boiled Paste (Pate a choux).+-- Place a saucepan with 1 pint water or milk over the fire and add 1 cup b.u.t.ter, 1 tablespoonfuls sugar, teaspoonful salt and the peel of 1 lemon; as soon as it boils sprinkle in slowly, stirring constantly, 1 pint sifted flour; continue stirring until it has formed into a smooth paste and loosens itself from bottom of saucepan; transfer the paste to a dish and let it cool; then mix it by degrees with 8 whole eggs and use for cream cakes, chocolate eclairs and other small cakes.

670. +Nudels.+-- Sift 1 cup flour in a bowl and add a pinch of salt, a piece of b.u.t.ter the size of a hazel nut, 1 egg and 1 tablespoonful water; mix this into a stiff paste and work it well on a board so it does not stick to the hands; then divide it into 4 equal parts; roll each part out as thin as paper and let them lay on a board to dry for 10 minutes; then cut them into strips 1 inch wide; lay 4 strips over one another and cut them as fine as possible, like fine straws; when all are cut scatter the nudels all over the board and let them lay till dry; then use or put them away in a box; they will keep for some time. The yolks of 2 eggs may be used instead of 1 whole egg.

Nudels are used for puddings or souflees and serve as a dessert; they are also largely used in soup. They should always be put into boiling water, soup or milk and boiled 10 minutes when wanted for use.

671. +Mince Pie.+-- 1 pound finely chopped boiled beef, pound finely chopped suet, 1 pound well washed and dried currants, 1 pound stoned raisins, 1 pound finely cut citron, 1 pound sugar, teaspoonful salt, the juice and a little grated rind of 2 oranges, the juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 pint cider, pint brandy, pint sherry wine, 1 teaspoonful ground cloves, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, 1 teaspoonful mace, 1 grated nutmeg and 3 pounds finely chopped apples; mix all the ingredients well together and use; sufficient for 6 good sized pies. If this mince meat, is to be kept for any length of time omit the apples and fill the mince meat into gla.s.s jars; close tightly and keep them in a cool place. It will then keep all winter. When wanted to make pies of take 1 jar at a time and mix the mince meat with an equal portion of chopped apples; line 2 pie plates with rich pie crust, fill them with the mince meat, cover with same crust as directed (see Directions for Pies), cut a small opening in center and one on each side of upper crust and place the pie in a medium hot oven to bake; when done remove it from oven and pour a little good brandy in center, sides and openings and serve warm. Mince pies will keep in a cool place for two weeks, but they should always be put for 10 or 15 minutes in the oven to heat through before serving. For a large quant.i.ty of mince meat put 8 pounds beef off the round in a kettle of boiling water, add 1 tablespoonful salt and boil till tender; when done remove the kettle from the fire and set aside to cool; then take out the meat, remove all skin, fat and hard part and chop the meat as fine as possible; then weigh the chopped meat and take for each pound the same ingredients as in above recipe; put it away in well closed jars without the apples.

672. +Mock Mince Pie.+-- 3 finely rolled soda crackers, 1 cup well washed currants, cup stoned raisins, cup finely cut citron, teaspoonful ground cloves, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, grated nutmeg, teaspoonful salt, 1 tablespoonful b.u.t.ter, cup sugar, cup, cup brandy or wine, the juice of 1 orange and a little grated rind, the juice and grated rind of lemon and pound dried apples; wash and stew the dried apples till tender; add the cup sugar and sufficient boiling water to make 3 cupfuls stewed apples; set aside to cool; then mix them first with the rolled soda crackers, by degrees with all the other ingredients and use as directed for pies; sufficient for 3 medium sized pies or 2 large ones. A good plan is to leave a small opening in center of upper crust and when the pies are done pour a little brandy into it.

673. +Apple Pie, No. 1.+-- Line a pie plate with crust as directed (see Directions for Pies); pare, quarter and cut greening or pippin apples into fine slices; fill the plate with apples, sprinkle over some sugar (about 2 tablespoonfuls for a medium sized pie), cover with crust and bake till apples are done and the crust has attained a delicate light brown color. If the flavor is liked a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg may be added. In the spring of the year the juice of lemon squeezed over the apples of each pie is a great improvement, as the apples have lost a great part of their flavor.

Apple pies are best when eaten the same day they are baked. If they stand over till next day they should be put in the oven for about 10 minutes 1 hour before serving. They will then be as good as fresh pies; otherwise the crust is apt to be tough.

674. +Apple Pie, No. 2.+-- Make an apple pie the same as in foregoing recipe; put tablespoonful b.u.t.ter in small bits over the apples, grate over a very little nutmeg and a pinch of cinnamon, add no sugar, leave a small opening in center of upper crust and bake until done; in the meantime boil 1 cup sugar with cup water 5 minutes; when the pie is done put a small funnel in the opening in center of upper crust and pour the syrup carefully through it into the pie; set the pie aside and serve when cold. The pie plate should be deep and large for this pie.

675. +Apple Pie, No. 3.+-- Line a large, deep pie plate with fine pie crust, fill the plate with finely cut tart apples, sprinkle over cup sugar, dust over a little flour and cover with crust; leave a small opening in center of upper crust and bake till done; 10 minutes before the pie is taken from the oven put a small funnel in the opening in the center of upper crust and pour carefully cup sweet hot cider through the funnel into the pie; when done remove the pie from oven and serve when cold. Another way is:--Stew the apple peels and cores in water till tender; then strain them through a coa.r.s.e bag, return the liquid to saucepan and boil 10 minutes; then add for 1 cup liquid 1 cup sugar, boil 10 minutes longer and pour the hot syrup into the pie in place of cider.

676. +Apple-Citron Pie.+-- Line a deep pie plate with rich pie crust, fill it with finely cut tart apples, lay small pieces of b.u.t.ter between the apples, sprinkle over each pie cup sugar and cup finely cut citron, add 2 tablespoonfuls currant or apple jelly, cover with crust and bake till done.

677. +Apple Meringue Pie.+-- Press 1 pint stewed apples through a sieve, sweeten to taste and add the juice of lemon, a little grated nutmeg and the yolks of 4 eggs; line a pie plate with crust, cover with b.u.t.tered paper, fill the plate with dried peas and bake till crust is a light brown; remove paper and peas, fill in the mixture, return pie to oven and bake till done; in the meantime beat the 4 whites to a stiff froth and add 1 tablespoonful powdered sugar and a little essence of lemon; when pie is done draw it to front of oven, spread over the meringue and let it remain for a few minutes longer in oven; then take it out and serve when cold.

678. +Dried Apple Pie.+-- Wash pound dried apples, put them in a saucepan with plenty of cold water, cover and place saucepan over the fire and stew till done; then add 1 cup sugar; pour the apples into a dish and set aside; when cold line 2 pie plates with fine pie crust, brush the surface of crust over with beaten egg and sprinkle over some bread or zwieback crumbs; fill in the stewed apples, cover with crust and bake till done. Dried peaches or apricots can be used the same way.

679. +Tutti Frutti Pie.+-- Pare and cut fine 10 large tart apples, put them with 2 tablespoonfuls b.u.t.ter in a saucepan over the fire and add 6 tablespoonfuls sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls finely cut citron, cup seedless raisins, the same quant.i.ty of well washed currants and the grated rind of orange or lemon; stir this over the fire till apples are soft and add cup currant or apple jelly; line a pie plate with fine pie crust, fill the plate full with the apples, cover with crust, in which a small opening should be cut in center, and bake till done; boil the peels and cores of apples with a little water till tender; strain them through a jelly bag, return the liquid to saucepan and boil 10 minutes; add to 1 cup liquid 1 cup sugar and boil 5 minutes longer; when pie is done take it from the oven, put a small funnel into the opening in center, pour carefully some of the apple syrup through the funnel into the pie and serve when cold.

680. +Cherry Pie.+-- Line a pie plate with crust and remove the pits from 1 quart nice, ripe cherries; fill the fruit into the plate, sprinkle over some sugar and dust over a little flour; cover with top crust, with a small opening in center, and bake in a medium hot oven; in the meantime stew 1 cup cherries in a little water till tender; strain them, return the liquid to saucepan and boil 5 minutes; add to 1 cup liquid 1 cup sugar and continue the boiling for 5 minutes; remove from fire, add a little brandy or wine and pour this syrup, when pie is done, through a funnel into the pie.

Another way is:--Do not stone the cherries; after the plate is lined with crust fill it full with cherries, dust over some flour, sprinkle them with sugar and add 3 tablespoonfuls water to each pie; cover with crust and bake till done. Another way is:--Boil cup currant juice with cup sugar for 5 minutes and when the pie (made like the first one) is done pour the currant syrup through a small funnel into the pie. This is an excellent way to give cherries which have not much flavor a nice taste.

681. +Banana Pie.+-- 4 large bananas, 1 cup milk, 4 eggs, cup sugar, tablespoonful melted b.u.t.ter and 1 teaspoonful essence of vanilla; remove the skins and press the bananas through a sieve; mix them with the 4 yolks, sugar, milk, melted b.u.t.ter and vanilla; line a deep pie plate with crust, ornament the edge, lay in a piece of b.u.t.tered brown paper, fill the plate with dry peas or with pieces of stale bread and bake till done; remove it from oven, free the plate from paper and peas, return the plate for a few minutes to oven again, fill in the banana mixture and bake till done; in the meantime beat the whites to a stiff froth and add 1 tablespoonful powdered sugar; draw the pie to front of oven, spread over the meringue, let it remain for a few minutes longer in oven, take it out, set it in a cool place and serve ice cold.

682. +Pineapple Pie.+-- Pare 1 ripe pineapple, remove the eyes and hard core in center and chop it fine; line a deep pie plate with fine pie crust, fill it with the finely chopped pineapple, sprinkle over 1 small cup sugar and dust a little flour over; cover the pie with crust and bake a light brown and well done; put the eyes and cores of the pineapple with 6 greening apples cut into pieces in a saucepan, nearly cover them with water and boil till tender; then strain through a bag, return the liquid to saucepan and boil 20 minutes; then add for 1 cup liquid 1 cup sugar, boil 5 minutes and fill the jelly into tumblers. This makes an excellent pineapple jelly.

683. +Pineapple Pie (with Meringue).+-- 1 large, ripe pineapple, cup milk, 1 cup sugar, the yolks of 4 eggs, 1 whole egg and tablespoonful b.u.t.ter; pare and grate the pineapple; then mix it with the sugar and other ingredients; melt the b.u.t.ter before adding it; line a deep pie plate with fine pie crust, cover with b.u.t.tered paper, fill it with dry peas and bake till done; take it from the oven, remove the paper and peas, fill in the pineapple mixture and bake till done; in the meantime make the meringue, as follows:--

Beat the 4 whites to a stiff froth and mix it with 1 tablespoonful powdered sugar; when pie is done draw it to front of oven, spread over the meringue and return the pie for a few minutes to oven again till the meringue is a light brown; serve ice cold. This will make 1 large pie, sufficient for a family of 8 persons.

684. +Prune Pie.+-- Wash and soak 1 pound prunes for 4 hours in cold water, drain them in a colander, remove the stones, put the prunes in a dish, pour over 1 cup cold water and let them stand over night; next morning line 2 pie plates with crust, put in the prunes with the liquor, sprinkle over some sugar and a little flour, cover with top crust and bake till light brown and well done. Another way is:--Stew the prunes in a little water, remove the stones, sweeten the prunes with sugar, add the juice of lemon and finish as above.

685. +Peach Pie.+-- Pare and slice some large, ripe peaches; line a pie plate with crust, fill it with the peaches, sprinkle over some sugar and bake with an upper crust.

686. +Peach Meringue Pie.+-- Line a large, deep pie plate with a rich pie crust, brush the surface of crust over with the beaten white of egg and sprinkle over 2 tablespoonfuls finely sifted bread or cracker crumbs; take 1 can preserved peaches, drain off the liquor, put them in the pie plate (with the hollow side up), sprinkle over a little flour, a few spoonfuls sugar, pour over some of the liquor and bake in a medium hot oven till done; in the meantime make the meringue, as follows:--Beat the whites of 5 eggs to a froth, mix them with 2 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar and flavor with a little essence of vanilla; when pie is done draw it to front of oven, spread over the meringue and bake for a few minutes longer; remove it from the oven and set the pie in a cool place; serve cold; sufficient for 10 persons.

687. +Peach Mountain Pie.+-- Pare 1 dozen medium sized peaches; line a large deep pie plate with pie crust, fill the plate with the whole peaches, sprinkle over cup sugar, cover with a thin crust and bake in a medium hot oven.

688. +Plum Pie.+-- Remove the pits from some ripe plums, sprinkle the fruit thickly with sugar and let them stand for hour; line a pie plate with crust, put in the plums, cover with crust and bake till done.