Part 2 (1/2)

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82. +Cherry Syrup.+-- Pound a sufficient quant.i.ty of ripe cherries (with the pits) in a porcelain or stone mortar; let it stand for 3 days; inclose them in a bag, press out the juice, add to each pint 1 pound sugar; let it boil up once, skim and put the syrup in bottles; cork and set away for use.

83. +Wild Cherry Syrup+ is made in the same manner as the above.

84. +Wild Cherry Bark Syrup.+-- Pour 1 pint cold water over 4 ounces well bruised wild cherry bark; let it stand for 36 hours; press out and let the liquid stand till clear; add 1 pounds white sugar; stir until dissolved and strain through fine flannel bag; set away in well corked bottles.

85. +Vanilla Syrup.+-- Add ounce fluid extract of vanilla to 1 gallon plain syrup. Another recipe: Rub ounce citric acid with a little plain syrup; add 1 fluid ounce extract of vanilla and 1 gallon plain syrup.

86. +Vanilla Cream Syrup.+-- Add to 3 pints plain syrup 1 ounce extract of vanilla, 1 quart rich, sweet cream or condensed milk.

87. +Cream Syrup.+-- 1 cup sweet cream, 1 cup milk and 1 pound sugar are well mixed together, and if it is to be kept for several days add a little bicarbonate of sodium.

88. +Lemon Syrup.+-- Grate the rind of 16 large, fresh lemons over 8 pounds granulated sugar; add 2 quarts cold water and the juice of the lemons; stir until the sugar is melted; then strain through a fine flannel bag and put the syrup in well corked pint bottles. Be careful to grate off only the yellow part of the rind of the lemons; the white part will give the syrup a bitter taste. There is no better lemon syrup made than this. 2 to 3 tablespoonfuls of this syrup in a gla.s.s of cold water makes fine lemonade and is also excellent for mineral waters and sauces.

89. +Lemon Syrup (with Oil of Lemon).+-- Add to 1 gallon plain syrup 25 drops oil of lemon and 10 drams citric acid; mix the oil and acid together gradually; then add the syrup slowly, and when well mixed bottle syrup and keep in a cool place for use.

90. +Another Recipe+:--Add to 1 gallon plain syrup 6 drams tartaric acid dissolved in a little warm water, 1 ounce gumarabic dissolved in 1 ounce warm water and dram of the best lemon oil, or a sufficient quant.i.ty of lemon extract to flavor the syrup.

91. +Lemon Syrup (plain).+-- Make of 8 pounds sugar and 2 quarts water a plain syrup; when nearly cold add 1 quart pure lemon juice; filter through a Canton flannel filter and bottle.

92. +Orange Syrup.+-- Grate the rind of 12 oranges over 7 pounds granulated sugar; squeeze out the juice, strain and pour it over the sugar; add gallon cold water; stir until sugar is dissolved; then strain through a fine flannel bag and bottle. Care should be taken to grate only the yellow part of the rind of the oranges, as the least particle of white will make the syrup bitter.

93. +Orange Flower Syrup.+-- Add to 1 pint orange flower water 1 pounds sugar; stir until the sugar is dissolved; then bottle.


94. +Essence of Lemon.+-- Grate the rind of 12 lemons; put this in a bottle with 1 pint alcohol and 1 teaspoonful lemon oil; cork bottle tightly; set in a warm place; shake every day and after 2 weeks it will be ready for use.

95. +Essence of Vanilla.+-- Take 1 ounce vanilla beans; split each bean in two (lengthwise); then cut into small pieces; put these into a large bottle with 1 pint alcohol and 1 pint water; cork the bottle, not too tightly; set in a warm place for 3 weeks and shake it once every day; it will them be ready for use.

96. +Bischof Essence.+-- Pare off the peel of 12 green oranges; put them with 1 bottle of good rum in a gla.s.s jar that is used for preserving fruit; let it stand 24 hours; then pour the essence into small bottles and set in a cool place for further use; 2 tablespoonfuls to 1 bottle of claret are sufficient.

97. +Essence of Oranges.+-- Pare off the peel of 8 yellow and 4 green oranges; put them in a large bottle or gla.s.s jar with 1 quart arrack; set in a warm place for 2 weeks; then strain through filtering paper, put into small bottles and set them in a cool place for further use; 2 tablespoonfuls essence are sufficient for 1 bottle wine.

98. +Peach Essence.+-- Dissolve 1 fluid dram oil of bitter almonds in 7 pints rectified spirits of 90 per cent.; allow the solution to stand for a few days and then filter it; put away in well corked bottles.

99. +Bitter Almond Essence.+-- Dissolve 1 fluid dram oil of bitter almonds in 3 quarts rectified spirits of 90 per cent. and store the fluid for some time before using it.

100. +Coffee Essence.+-- Pour 3 pints rectified spirits of 90 per cent. over 5 ounces finely roasted and ground coffee; let it stand for several days, draw off the fluid and filter.

101. +Cherry Essence.+-- Press out the flesh of ripe cherries; let the ma.s.s stand quietly in a moderately warm room until the pure juice has separated from the pulp; then place the ma.s.s in a bag, press the juice out, let it stand for a few hours longer and add an equal quant.i.ty of rectified spirits of 90 per cent.

102. +Strawberry Essence.+-- Bruise 4 pounds wild strawberries; pour 3 quarts spirits of 90 per cent, over the ma.s.s; let it stand for some time and filter. The product will be about 1 gallon of strawberry essence.

103. +Raspberry Essence.+-- Crush 2 pounds ripe raspberries; press them out and add 2 quarts rectified spirits of 90 per cent.

104. +Rose Essence.+-- Dissolve 2 fluid drams rose oil in 1? quarts rectified spirits of 90 per cent. and filter the solution.