7 Agression (1/2)

Laura came into my room next morning before she could say anything i hugged her in enthusiasm.

”I'm so happy Laura ” i said and broke away from hug.

”I'm glad you're happy Princess ”she grinned.

”Last night Remus confessed his love to me, Laura” i grinned.

I just can't explain in words how happy I am, I've never been so happy in my life.

”Didn't i said you Princess Zeri he loves you”she said by caressing my cheek.

”Yes you were right Laura , but it wasn't easy to make him confess” i declared by sitting on bed.

”You made him confess?? ” she asked skeptically.

I explained her how i made him confess with the help of Bloom.

” oh Princess it was a great plan ” she said with smile.

”Oh yes it was, but without the help of Bloom it wouldn't have worked Laura and i need to thank him for his help ” i said.

”Yes you should thank him Princess ” she recited.

I knocked on his door twice , but he didn't answered i thought he might be not in his chamber and i left.

Couple of days has passed and still i haven't seen Bloom, so i went to his chamber again and knocked thrice still there was no answer, when i was about to leave i heard a sound of something falling on floor, so i entered into his chamber and found him liying on the floor.

” Bloom ” i called out his name.

I took his head into my lap and patted on his cheeks ” Bloom - Bloom open your eyes, Bloom ” i exclaimed in perplexion..

I sprinkled some water on his face and he slowly opened his eyes.

”Bloom what happened to you, are you okay??” i asked whilst helping him up.

”leave me alone Princess ” he said and shoved my hand off his arm.

”What happened to you Bloom why are you ---” he cut me off in the mid sentence.

”Leave me alone, I'm telling you last time ” he said by leaning on the wall.

”What's wrong with you Bloom ” i grimaced.

” it's none of your business, get out of my chamber ” he scorned grabbing me by my arm harshly and shoved me towards the door. I hit my hand pretty badly to the door when he shoved me recklessly.

I rushed to my chamber with tears, my hand was hurting very badly, it was protuberted and i was unable to move it and i saw the fingers mark on my arm and hid it with my long sleeves and laid on bed to give some rest to my hand.

someone was knocking my door,

” come in ” i said.

I felt someone behind me, i know it was Remus so i lied there in complete silence.

” you let anyone lie beside you ” he said.

I laid on my back to face him.

”why didn't you came for breakfast” he asked.

”I wasn't feeling hungry so i didn't come ”i replied. He gently placed his hand upon my hurt wrist, i groaned in pain when he tighten the grip on my wrist.

” what happened to your hand, Zeri ” he said and sat up on my bed.

”I-I-I hit my hand to the door ” i grimaced.

”why didn't you tell me about it Zeri” he said.

”it's just tiny thing and i don't want to bother you about it” i acknowledged.

”even if your fingers cuticle rips you have to tell me about it, nothing about you is tiny thing for me Zeri”he said by cupping my cheeks.

I was feeling wilt cause i lied to him, if i said him truth about my hand he I'll definitely become outrageous and i don't want him to hurt Bloom.

Anyway Bloom didn't do it willingly he was tipsy.

”Zeri” he invoke

” yes ”

”Where are you lost my love ” he asked.

”Nowhere ” i replied.

”Let me see your hand ” he said and carefully took my hand into his hands and pulled my sleeve up.

”is it a tiny thing Zeri your wrist is protubered, it looks bad;it need to be treated,” he said and took me into embrace.

”kinda bad ” i said.

”i can see it Zeri and it's not kinda bad” he grimaced and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

”i love you, Zerii. You have to be careful because now you're mine too” he said.

”i love you too” i replied.

”Do you want me to get Laura” he asked.

I nodded in reply.

”Okay I'll be back in bit” he said and gave me staid smile.

”Princess Zeri how did this happened ” she questioned and pulled my sleeve up to see it.

”Princess, it looks very bad and it need to be treated or else it will worsen. I need to inform about it to King Edward ” she apprehended and helped me to sit.

After couple of minutes father came in

”what happened to you my Zeri, how did you hurt your self” he said with apprehension and sat beside me to look at my wrist.

”i hit my hand to the door, father ” i sniffed.

”you've to be careful my Princess” father said.


”yes, my Princess” he said.

”It's hurting very badly father ” i groaned and a tears leaked from my eyes.

Before father could say anything Remus entered my chamber with a mid aged man.

”He is physician and he's here for inspecting Princess Zeri's hand” Remus said and noticed tears in my eyes.

Physician inspected my hand and said ”it's dislocated wrist, I'm going to massage some elixir on your wrist it may hurt you a bit Princess ”

When he started massaging elixir on my wrist, it was causing excruciating pain. I hollered in pain when he made it little rough, the pain was unbearable, but i didn't let out anymore yells from my mouth, tears were unstoppable father was holding me against his chest i clutched his arm. physician dressed my wrist and said ”you should give complete rest to your hand and you have to take this potion twice a day, it will take couple of weeks to heal”

When i opened my eyes Remus was nowhere to see, father gave me a potion it was embittered but father made me drink it.

”give complete rest to your hand, Zerii” father said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

After wee minutes King Edmund and Queen Aila visited me, Queen Aila stayed with me for a bit.

After she left Remus came to my chamber, he took me into large embrace precautiously without causing any pain to my wrist ” I'm sorry i left at that moment because i was just unable to see you in pain, Zeri” he grimaced.

”it's totally fine you don't have to say sorry,Remus” i said.

Princess Ashley suddenly broke into my chamber,whilst i was still in his embrace.

We were in trauma with her hasty break in.

Remus moved away from me and sat at the edge of my bed.

”I'm sorry i should have knocked before entering” she said.

”it's fine Princess Ashley” i said.

”i heard about your hand and came to see you Princess and i choose a very wrong time” she said like she was abstaining her tears and fled.

”oohh she has seen us embracing, what do we do now!!” i perplexed.

”Don't stress yourself Zeri I'll talk to her, she won't tell to anyone ” he said by patting my hand.

”don't you think she loves you,Remus” i smirked.

”why would I think soo, ” he asked gazing me.

” the way she looks at you, talks to you and she never misses opportunity to be with you and now when she saw me in your arms, she was like she has been hit by thunderbolt and I've seen that she was abstaining her tears ” i replied.

He remained silent for a moment and said

”probably you're right but i never paid any attention to her and i never felt the way i felt for you, from the beginning you're the only one who has taken over my head and heart”

My cheeks turned red on his words.

”you look more beautiful when you blush”