Volume 1 Chapter 3 (1/2)

2Moons Chiffon_cake 14140K 2022-07-22

Wayo's POV.

Ming and I were seated outside a coffee shop just a few blocks away from my dorm.

I was ranting about the fiasco I ran into upon my arrival this morning.

”I don't know why I did that either,” I said, resting my chin on my hands.


”Whenever he's around, I can be pretty snarky and I always notice everything about him down to the tiniest detail.”


”Remember that time I made a comment about how messy his hair was? Well, I was actually thinking how hot it made him look but I didn't dare mention that.”


”There was also this one time he was late for school and I said how lousy he is for being tardy but then I kept ogling on how he looked, rugged and sweaty.”


”You see, everything he does makes him look even cooler to me.”

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All this time I was talking, Ming was listening lazily sipping on his chocolate milk. He only responds by wiggling those thick eyebrows of his at me.

”And what happened this morning turned out to be...”

”... A complete mess.” He quipped with a smug look on his face.

Yeah. I bored my best friend to death blabbering about P'Pha like for hours now. A few girls around are trying to catch his attention and he seems to be more interested in it. He's good looking enough and I bet he can get all the girls he liked.

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”f.u.c.k it, how am I going to face him after this?” I buried my face on the table with all hopes gone. I totally ruined my first chance of meeting P'Pha.