23 Keep her close (1/2)

Long Lei twitched in pain and continuously groaned. The pain was terrible and she was not able to handle it.

Nangong Ah Jin was distressed to see her in this condition. She was too weak to handle the pressure behind the blood contract. He gently pressed the area behind her ears to put her to sleep, relieving her pain.

She will be fine after she will wake up next time.

”Sleep!” Nangong Ah Jin gently smoothed her hair.

Meng Zhang arrived a few minutes later Long Lei was put to sleep. He felt that his mistress was in great pain and was rushing fast to reach her.

”Mistress!” he shouted in panic.

Long Lei was not responding to his calls and this panicked him more. As soon as he arrived near his old cave, he saw Long Lei lying down on the ground; her head was on his lordship Nangong Ah Jin's lap. She looks like a sleeping doll in the wilderness.

”Sire! What is wrong with her? Why is she lying down?” He anxiously asked the sovereign lord but Nangong Ah Jin was not interested in the stupid dragon. He chose to remain quiet.

Meng Zhang was scared about his mistress and was angry at Nangong Ah Jin for his rash behavior.

”What have you done? Why is she like this?” The azure dragon sneered.

Nangong Ah Jin frowned at being disrespected by the dragon. He raised his left eyebrow to provoke the dragon more.

Meng Zhang noticed his little tricks and gritted his teeth. ”Do I look like a stupid boy? These little tricks don't work on me. Just because you are the sovereign lord it doesn't mean you will treat your elders like this. Show some manners.”

”Why? Just because you are an elder I have to show you respect.” Nangong Ah Jin countered.

”Well, let's forget what we are. Tell me, what happened to my little girl?” The azure dragon asked Nangong Ah Jin sharply.

Nangong Ah Jin was displeased. ”Yours!” he wanted to cut his tongue for calling his little fox as his. She was not his.

Meng Zhang was surprised at the possessive attitude of Nangong Ah Jin. He has never seen him behaving like this; he was never possessive of anything. He didn't care about anything in his life.

Why was he showing interest in this little girl?

Was he also interested in that magical water just like him?

He was already so powerful. It means he does not know about that magical water yet. What are his reasons?

”Yes, mine!” Meng Zhang confidently replied.

Nangong Ah Jin didn't like his response and waved his hand towards him filled with full of power.

The sudden attack threw Meng Zhang in the lake that was behind him.


”Nangong Ah Jin!” he shouted in anger.

This man was just too hateful.

”I see you are cool now. She is not yours. Think carefully before you speak.” Nangong Ah Jin curved his lips dangerously. ”We don't want any accidents happening. Do we?”

”She is my mistress! Of course, she is mine. Why are you jealous?” Meng Zhang was not the one to back down either. He targeted his weak spot.