4 Strength Increase/Trip To Konoha/Plans For The Future (2/2)
”Alex can you please use the D rank jutsu.”
{<{host has=”” received=”” dynamic=”” entry.}=””>}
Hearing this Rajen almost shouts out, but luckily stops before he can make a loud noise alerting the Anbu waiting outside.
After that Rajen lays down and slowly drifts of to sleep.
(Meanwhile in the Hokage's office)
Konoha's Third Hokage Hiruzen Saturobi is quietly sitting in his office fight the mortal enemy of all Hokage.
Suddenly Anbu 2 appears.
(Anbu 2) - ”Hokage we found a suspicious person with a large amount of chakra on the outskirts of the village and have taken them into custody.”
(Hiruzen) - ”And? Either send them to Ibiki or Inoichi to extract information from them or release them.”
(Anbu 2) - ”But Lord Hokage he was acting in a strange way when we captured him and I though we should inform you because of this.”
(Hiruzen) - ”Oh, so how was this person acting?”
(Anbu 2) - ”He was just standing on the boarder of our village like he was waiting for us.”
Hiruzen's eyes sharpen and he asks.
(Hiruzen) - ”Interesting, did this person do anything else?”
(Anbu 2) - ”Lord Hokage he was calm during the entire encounter and he only asked to see the Inuzuka Clan.”
(Hiruzen) - ”And did you ask the reason for him wanting to see them?”
(Anbu 2) - ”Yes, he stated he wanted to 'make them remember the pack'.”
At these words Hiruzen has a sudden spark as his eyes widen.
(Hiruzen) - ”This person take me to them.”
After this he calmly stands and walks towards the Intelligence Divisions Headquarters.
(Rajens POV)
Rajen awakes suddenly hearing noise outside his cell.
The door swings open revealing four figure. These figures are Hiruzen Saturobi, Tsume Inuzuka, Inoichi Yamanaka and Anbu 2.
(Hiruzen) - ”Boy I would like to introduce myself. I am the Third Hokage Hiruzen Saturobi!”
Hearing this Rajen glances up in the group's direction with the thought 'No s.h.i.+t' and a glare in his eyes.
Seeing this Anbu 2 kicks Rajen shouting.
(Anbu 2) - ”Show more respect for the Hokage.”
(Hirizen) - ”CALM DOWN.”
He the proceeds to lean down speak to the young man in front of him.
(Hiruzen) - ”Boy what is your name?”
Rajen now staring at Hiruzen replies.
(Rajen) - ”Rajen Inab.i.+.c.hi.”
This brings great shock to Hiruzen and he immediately backs away from Rajen.
(Hiruzen) - ”Untie him. Afterwards bring him some food.”
After stating these orders to Anbu 2, Hiruzen leaves the room with Inoichi and Tsume in tow.
Once they arrive to the next room Tsume shouts to Hiruzen.
(Tsume) - ”Lord Hokage what was that about?”
(Inoichi) - ”Indeed I have the same question.”
Hiruzen slowly sits down on the nearest chair and sighs before saying.
(Hiruzen) - ”It is said in Konoha's history that the Inuzuka Clan has been protecting Konoha since the beginning from both the inside and out.”
(Tsume) - ”Yes, that is written in the history of our clans archive as well.”
(Hiruzen) - ”True but unlike you clans history the village history tells of a legend of the Inuzuka Clan. It speaks that the Inuzuka Clan is in fact four different clans known as the Inuzuka, Inibangun, Inoraben and the .....”
(Inoichi) - ”Inab.i.+.c.hi.”
(Hiruzen) - ”Indeed the other three branches are said to have declined joining the village but decided to protect it from the shadows.”
(Inoichi) - ”If that's so then why have we not heard of them till now?”
(Hiruzen) - 'sigh' ”They were thought to be a myth as nothing else has every been written about them apart from one sentence. 'Remember the pack!' and these are the exact words the boy used to explain his reason for being here. He says he wants to see the Inuzuka Clan to help them 'Remember the pack'.”
After these words Tsume is deep in thought. 'Have our Clan forgotten about its own members, have we left them to suffer outside Konoha protecting us whilst we sit safely inside its walls' With a dejected look Tsume wants nothing more than to run into the next room and hug the long lost family member but stops and states.
(Tsume) - ”What will happen to the pup now?”
(Hiruzen) - ”First we will talk to the boy and later ask him if he will accept Inoichi using Psycho Mind Transmition on him.”
After saying this Hiruzen waves his hand and a member of Anbu appear.
(Hiruzen) - ”Bring the boy in.”
(5 Minutes Later)
Rajen walks into the room and sits down directly across from Hiruzen.
(Hiruzen) - ”We have called you in to ask you a few questions.”
He then proceeds to nod to Inoichi signalling to start.
(Inoichi) - ”First where are you from?”
[A.U. I'm going to be dropping to names for this conversation as it will only be between the Mc and Inoichi.]
”I was born and raised in a vally about 100km West of Konohagakure.”
”What is your ident.i.ty?”
”I am Rajen Inab.i.+.c.hi current head of the Inab.i.+.c.hi Clan.”
”What is you purpose in Konoha?”
”I have come to Konoha to seek the members who forgot and make then remember the pack!”
”What do you hope to gain from doing this.”
”My goal is to unite the pack and make sure that the same tragedy doesn't happen again.”
”What is this tragedy you speak of?”
”The destruction of the Inab.i.+.c.hi Clan.”
”How was the Clan destroyed?”
”I refuse to say.”
”That was the last question.”
After listening to this exchange there are different expressions throughout the room, Hiruzen has a serious expression contemplating, Tsume has a saddened expression and Inoichi has his usual plain expression.
(Hiruzen) - ”There is one last thing I would like to do before we make s devotion on your fate boy. I would like to have Inoichi here read your mind.”
Rajen gives an already knowing expression and replies.
(Rajen) - ”That's fine.”
After gaining that go ahead Inoichi moves over and performs Psycho Mind Transmission on Rajen.
(Inoichi) - ”What he said is true.”
Rajen feels inwardly surprised thinking 'Why did this result happen, Alex?'
{<{host has=”” be=”” given=”” a=”” defence=”” against=”” mind=”” based=”” techniques=”” when=”” having=”” memories=”” read.}=””>}
'Well that is useful.' After which Rajen sighs inwardly.
After a few minutes of silence Hiruzen stands and states.
(Hiruzen) - ”I have decided that Rajen Inab.i.+.c.hi will become a resident of Konohagakure and is to be treated as a normal s.h.i.+n.o.bi.”
(Rajen) - ”Thank you Lord Hokage.” he states with a bow.
After seeing this Hiruzen stands up and leaves the room with Inoichi following closely behind.
Once they leave Tsume looks at Rajen, there eyes meet and they continue staring until they hear a cough at the door.
Blus.h.i.+ng Tsume stands and looks over to see Riko Inuzuka standing at the door.
(Riko) - ”No need to stop on my account Tsume.” He says with an evil smile.
Panicking Tsume looks over to Rajen and states.
(Tsume) - ”I was just thinking about where Rajen is going to stay. NOTHING ELSE.”
Rajen hearing this softens his gaze thinking 'The Inuzuka bond is indeed strong that they would even allow a random person from a branch of there family to live with them out of nowhere'.
(Rajen) - ”I would be happy to take you up on your offer Tsume.”
Seeing his gaze and the friendly manner in which he's speaking only causes her to blush even more whilst thinking 'What's wrong with me, how can I let a young man get me this fl.u.s.tered.' She then stands up and walks to the door looking back a Rajen stating.
(Tsume) - ”Follow me I'll walk you to the Clan compound.”
(Rajen) - ”Sure.” He answers back with a smile following after her.
(Later that evening)
Rajen is standing in front of Tsume staring into her eyes.
(Tsume) - ”WHAT IS IT?” She screams whilst blus.h.i.+ng.
(Rajen) - ”I would like to be escorted back to where the Anbu found me to find my Ninken.”
(Tsume) - ”Fine.”
After this Tsume calls for Riko to escort him to the edge of the village.
After about five minutes a large wolf pokes its head through the trees.
(Kenron) - ”Big Brother your back!”
As he rushes towards Rajen.
Embracing the exited wolf and laughing Rajen exclaims.
(Rajen) - ”Yes pup.”
Rajen stands and turns to Riko to find him nelt on the ground.
(Riko) - ”Greetings Young Master.”