Part 30 (1/2)

A note to Marta and a shorter one to Jo occupied but a few moments time, but she wrote swiftly and steadily for an hour on a longer one. When she had a bulky package she sealed it and addressed it to Kurt. An explanatory letter to Mrs. Kingdon then followed.

”I'll have to travel light--a beach comber's outfit,” she thought as she prepared for departure.

She gave the notes for Jo and Marta to Agatha to be delivered on their return. She had a few moments confidential conversation with Francis, bade the others good-bye and then sped down the road to Westcott's.


Agatha came out to the driveway to stop the buckboard and deliver the notes.

Marta read the one handed to her as they drove on to the stables.

”What 'tis, honey,” Jo asked in alarm, as he reined up and turned to her.

There was a wild, distraught look in Marta's eyes, and her face had suddenly turned very pale.

”Oh, Jo! Pen--”

”Wait!” he cautioned, as Gene came out of the stable.

”Unhook for me, will you, Gene?” he asked.

”Now, Marta, what is it?” he again asked anxiously as they were walking back to the house.

”Read your letter, Jo, and see what it says.”

He read aloud:

”DEAR JO: Leaving Top Hill forever by the Excelsior Route. Had to.

Never go back on Little Marta. Will see you somewhere, sometime. At four this afternoon, come to Westcott's red-roofed barn and get Francis' wheel.

”Yours, ”PENNY ANTE.”

”What has happened to send her off in such skyrocket fas.h.i.+on?” he asked.

”What did she say to you?”

”Jo, we must find her at once. Let's go to Westcott's the quickest way we can.”

”What is it, Marta?”

”That Mr. Hebler who is visiting here, you know,” said Marta breathlessly.

”Well, he missed a diamond ring. He left it on a table near his door--I saw it. When we came back from our walk last night, I went to Miss Lamont's room. His door was open. A great whopping diamond ring was on the table--and--”

”Yes, Marta,” he said encouragingly, as she paused.

”When she found it was gone, she told Mr. Walters and Mr. Hebler that _she_ took it, so as to protect me. That's why she has gone.”