49 Amidst the storm (2/2)

”That's where he was”

Whatttttt! Hes in a village!

”Your highness, when will he come back?”

”He'll be there for the next three days”

She's doom. Bai Shin Lin's main actor would be Lou Ren. How can she now create her band!

Before she could think anything Xiao handed her a few bunch of papers. He instructed her that those documents are needed to be stamp. Those documents are already been taken care of and thus needing an imperial seal only.

She was left stamping of those papers.

After finishing her task she look over his way, he was knitting his eyebrow while tendering a certain document. Slowly she went over the piles of documents thats been scattered and sorted those papers based on it's use. The floor became clean after all scatter papers has been organized.

After that she tap Xiao's shoulders to bade her goodbye since she already finishes her work.

So how would she address her problem now? How can she reach Lou Ren?


She went back to her room and slam her back against the soft cussion of the bed. Leng and Mei was eating on the table.

”Hey!” Maru popped out of nowhere.

”What's up kid... I'm sort of tired now, we can talk later.”

”Your phone is black again. Whenever I tried to open nothing shows.”

” It's low battery then. It needs to be replace.”

Maru didn't stop pestering her fatique body. This kid. She has a problem that needed to be solve and she can't think straight when he's being nosy around. If only he could help him with that---


On the other hand, Maru can really help her! Why didn't she realized it sooner.

Her energy was drastically restored upon this realization and she happily faces the kid.

” Maru! Your my savior! Why I haven't realized sooner your ever magestic presence” hehe

Maru felt shivers all over ” are you going crazy now?”

”Yes! I might be crazy if I haven't met you. Now then help me with my predicament and I'll give you 2 sets of battery?how's that?”

Maru upon hearing her, leapt in excitement.

This kid is just simple. Lucky she knows his weakness.

Together, Maru transported him to where Lou Ren is.