43 First Day of School (2/2)

”Hmph! I don't want to be friends with you.!!”

Truth, Bai Shin Lin never care about the girl in front of her. Not even her rude treath of herrather, she felt little anxious when all of the attention inside the classroom was on her. It was her weakness.

Trying to hide her anxiousness, she tried to cover her face. Please stop looking at her!!!

”So, what do you want me to do?”

The girl's wicked smile formed.

” Be my slave”

She could hear murmurs all around. If that's what it takes for this commotion to stop there's nothing else she could do right? Beside, she will just tire herself arguing senseless with this girl.

” If that's what you want then I'll abide it”

Few moments, their instructor arrives and everyone get back to their respective seats pretending like nothing has happened.

Their first subject is learning proper etiqquette. Table manners, society mannered as well as how to conduct a proper lady in front of crowds. Everyone is aware of that since all of the students here recieve their early training during their childhood.

When the bell chimes for lunch, everyone gathers inside the cafeteria.

Bai Shin Lin, knowing her impending status run as fast as she could so that she could avoid being this girl's servant.

”Where are you going!?”

The girl whom they called mingxi, shouted from the top of her lungs. There's no ways she'llabide to her. So as fast as she could, she ditch her. Running as fast she could she bump into one of the instructor inside. He was a tall musculine man with a glasses. He was young and from his looks, he's not far from their ages.

He look at her with such contemp in his eyes. ” A proper lady doesn't run wild especially inside a corridor” he glared at her then continue ” to the office, let's talk”

She knows she will be scolded after this. She obediently followed him to the disciplinary room.

” And you too!” eyeing infront of them, he was looking to mingxi.

”Shouting in the public is not a noble act. Your actions deems inappropriate and hencecalls for a disciplinary action”

Mingxi walk closer towards them then glare at her.

(It was your fault bitch) She didn't say it loudly but Bai Shin Lin knew this was what she meant.

The two of them followed him and never utter a single word of protest. They were just like a prey being caught by their predator and was expecting of their demise.