34 What you give, You reap (1/2)
Although the night is late Xiao didn't waste any moment and march towards where his soldiers are fighting.
But deep inside he still can'tbelieve he had found her, although there's a matter that needed for attention that he let his emotions inside for a while. The general came for him seeking for help. Seriously, how can a general being overthrown by his mere subordinate?He seems to be an amateur in his position.
Meanwhile, Bai Shin Lin was the only one riding the Lion. Because earlier when Han Wu was about join her in her ride she felt an icy stare from her behind. Maybe she taught it was just her imagination and Han Wu was the one who saw the intense eyes of his general signaling a red code alert, he immediately move as far away from her. Now that he knew her, he shouldn't play buddy buddy with her. She was suppose to be the future empress of their country.
”Pardon milady but please from now on refrain from casually addressing me. I would appreciate it if you consider me as your servant.”
Huh? Han Wu's being strange? Bai Shin Lin taught that it has something to do with her status that he began playing his superior. Like how he treated Prince Xiao.
”Nah, that would be boring” she corrected his ideology. ” We met as an ordinary people and we'll always be. Please, I'm still not the empress consider re-tracking your decision besides I will still call you by your name so please don't restrain yourself” she added. Han Wuwas hesitant even tough she said that. ”His highness might kill me if I do that...” Bai Shin Lin think for a moment. Trying to figure her best core of action. ” Then how about talking casually with me when he's not looking” she raise her right hand and thumps up to him.
”If that's what you want... only when his highness is not looking but we need to act accordingly in front of him right?”
”Of course! We are!”
They both came to a mutual agreement.
They both extend their arms to each other's shoulders and laugh crazily.
”So you really are scared to your Commander huh?”
Basi Shin Lin broke their idiotic stunt and look at him seriously.
”Of -course it's not what you think...” Han Wu stutter. He don't know what would his choice.
”Hahaha, of course I am just joking!!! No need to take it seriously!” Bai Shin Lin tap his back. No hard feelings. She was having fun teasing him. Han Wu's reaction whenever she pulled a joke became deadly serious and after a while would make a complicated face. He's easy to be with and they seems to get together we'll. They were all buddy buddy for a while when she catch a glimpse of Xiao's head turning 90 degrees towards them.She immediately put back her ladylike posture and turn her back as if she wasn't talking to the general. And when he turn his head upfront again they started giggling on the side.
When they got there a lot of their troop on the ground, severely wounded. They were on the advantage by the beasts that attack them.
The soldiers who are fighting those creatures little by little loose their hope. They would definitely be annihilated by this creatures... and when someone saw a horde of marching soldier on their camp everyone rejoice. They were saved at last!
Immediately their platoon leaderruns fast and saluted to greet the Commander along the way and discussed his situation.
”Sir, the situation is unstable and we a currently at disadvantage.” he reported.
Xiao did only look at the platoon leader.
”Platoon leader, Fu Min under the direct command of General Han Wu. We're is he now, why can't I see him?” Fu Min tremble upon remembering his general's name ”S-Sir we haven't seen him for a while. When the battle started it seems that he run away” he lied.
Xiao even tighten his grip. ”I see... ButFu Min why do I have recieve some reports saying you are engaging in illegal business?Do you have that spare time that you still be able to do something aside from your current job? No wonder I didn't receive any favorable reports coming from your troop?”
Fumin scratch his back if his head and awkwardly smile ”Sir, that was not true. Some rumors”
”There's no smoke if there's no fire” Xiao added.
”Sir, we only do what we are told to do and nothing more”
Xiao couldn't contain his anger anymore. The more this person lied the more his head hurts. He only want to return to the palace tonight together with Lin but he still have some matters to attent. Out of his anger of this conniving person, he wasn't able to suppress his thunder. A loud rumble from the sky was heard accross the entire forest. ”Fu Min, will you not gonna admit???”
”Sir please believe me. Those rumors came trying to frame me. I have nothing to do with it!!!”
He pleaded. Of course he's confident that there would be no evidence of his crime. Lucky for him those child whom he captured already went missing and could no longer be found. Even if they search the whole camp now they will not find any clue of his flaw.
Han Wu from the back can't contain himself from listening to those nonsense lies and was about to step up but then all of a sudden.....