29 Summoning from another World (1/2)

She didn't expect him to have that amazing power. Being able to summon creature was far too magnificent. It's more awesome than Lou Ren's mind reading and Xiao's thunder lightning. If she could do something like that she will summon a Pegasus. The elegant image as well as the purity of itwould look you more like a true goddess when riding it. Also she could travel from far away places in a short time, if only she had that....she'll travel far far away. It's pretty convenient for transportation.

Bai Shin Lin was preoccupied that she forgot they were in a certain situation.

When they were far enough from the wild creature,Xia drew a magical circle into the air and from it pulled a long bow. Then he pointed it to the direction of the tarantula while aiming it making sure not to hit his own beast. ”Whoa! So you can summon objects also?”

He nodded. Without faltering, his eyesight locked the target.

That would even great!

”That awesome! Hey could you summon my treasures? You know I didn't brought it with me when I was driven away...can you? Can you?” Remembering her diamonds and jewels far the palace. She's having a lingering feeling of regret not bringing with her now that she's in dire need of money.

”The time I can summon is only threetimes a day. Since Ialready used up two summons I have left with only one but since I've used great stamina in summoning the first one I think I couldn't make it in three. ”

”Then what about tomorrow? Can you use your summon”

He unleash the arrow from his bow and hit his target.

”I can”


She's pretty excited that she even jump and clap her hands. Right now her attention was focused on him.

In her excitement she didn't know that she hit something on her hand that the wall of the cave open and swallowed her up without any hesitation.Xia didn't know. He taught that Bai Shin Lin was following him back to the creature he hit with poison and to summon his beast back to its realm.

Meanwhile Bai Shin Lin,

Nevertheless did she know that the celestial realm was what beyond that cave.

”WHO IS IT THAT DARE TO TRESPASS THE TERRITORY OF THE CELESTIAL SPIRIT KING!?? THIS IS NOT A PLACE THAT ANYONE COULD ENTER. GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM” a terrible voice that exudes domination was the one who welcomes her. It was so dark that she couldn't see anything. Where it this place ? How come there's this place behind the cave? She couldn't think straight.

She felt afraid, confuse and suffocated at the moment.

” Hello? Sir? I'm Sorry but I don't know how to get back...if you would, could you send me back...I think I got here by accident” her voice cracks when she said that.

The scary voice replied to her ”Impudent! How could you ask a favor! You're just a mere human!!!”

” I don't know where the exit and the place is dark. I can't see anything ”

When she said that ball of blue fires started to form a line in front of her. Was this supposed to be followed?

She find all her strength and followed the little orbs. Then she saw a light.

That must be the exist. Despite the terrifying and loud voice, whoever it is beyond that he's quite kind for doing that to her.

With one last look she turned and shouted her gratitude. ” Thank you old man. I'll leave her and pardon my intrusion”


A long bang echoed to the place. ” You! You call me an old man!!!”

The voice is angry.

Oops. Did she again step on the landmine? But the voice is that of the old man isn't it?

Ah, maybe he doesn't want to be called by that. Surely when one reaches old age they become so sensitive over small matters. Well whatever, she'll be leaving now. It's not that she'll be back into this dimension again. No need to sweat over little matters.

She preoccupied at her taughts that from her sight a small child appeared. His eyes where the sparkle of bluish green and his hair is long blue. He's wearing atwo piece of fur clothes.

The child of about 10 years old that appeared in front of her was so cute! Whats he doing here?

”Hey kid did you lost you way here? Hurry, you'll encounter a scary old man here. He'll scare you to death. So if you wanna get out of here, follow this big sister okay.”

” I am the proud celestial spirit king of this realm. How dare a lowly child address me as an old man and treated me like a child I will punish you to be eaten by hyenas and crows.”

” Yah yah, we should go or we'll be scolded again.” She never bothered with his childish talk and proceeded to the exit dragging the child with her.

Actually Bai Shin Lin is eager to get back to Xiang Xia. Now that she learns his pretty impressive power there's no ways she will let him get away. She grab the little kid by the hands and jump of the light that she was guided.


They went back again to the same cave.

” Where did you came from! I was worried sick that you become a dinner for the monsters here”

She just scratch the back of her head and smile awkwardly. Even her, couldn't describe the short moment she was in that place. She can't fathom what was that it there.

” Xia!!! Can you really not summon now?” that was the first thing she said to him from exiting that weird place.