23 Nursing Battle (2/2)

Without wasting any effort, she headed to the kitchen and made a rice porridge. It's not that difficult that she was able to finished it in few minutes. After that she storm back to Xiao's room in her hands a bowl of hot rice porridge.

Upon her sight, Xiang Xia furrowed his eyebrow and look at her in a demeaning manner.

She sit besides the crown prince then offer her caring smile to him. Although feeling a little awkward having face to face with Xiao, she just swallowall her pride and blow thespoonful of porridge.

”Brother Mu please try a little of this. I made it a while ago and I know surely that you're hungry. You haven't eaten anything from the capital after all.” She said that while grinning ear to ear. She felt that any moment her cheek would tear apart from too much smiling for him.

”Brother Mu, this is a tasteless porridge. Why don't you wait still and I'll bring you something delicious” Xiang Xia.

”I'll appreciate the offer but don't worry yourself. For now I will be eating porridge. It will be wasteful to deny the food being offered in front of me” while saying that Xiao voluntarily open his mouth while waiting to feed him.

Hehehe. She look at the enemy with a victorious look.

”Brother Mu, why don't you try this freshly picked fruits. It's really healthy for your recovery” Xiang Xia hasn't even given up competing with her and he handed him a peeled tangerines.

Immediately she shove some more porridge towards Xiao's mouth making sure that will have no space left for the tangerines. She just put it into his mouth without considering whether the porridge is still hot or he had chew properly. She's so busy competing with Xiang Xia that she didn't notice Xiao's amusing stare on her. She was preoccupied with herbattle with her arch enemy. She will not yield. She will shatter this woman's(man) pride in front of her.

Luckily Xiao's on her side.

”Brother Mu please have some more porridge.”Right now the tangerines has been cast aside. When Xiang Xia noticed that he is not even needed inside, he stomp his feet leaving angrily the two of them lone.



For the first time on this day, she felt victory on her side.

Seeing his defeat she felt happy for a while.She putt the bowl of porridge on the side then extended her two hands upwards motioning that she would gonna yawn any moment. This day was a lot of work and super duper tiring. Guess she'll just gonna rest for a while.

”Well aren't you gonna feed me” the porridge was still not fully consumed. Her plan was to shatters Xiang Xia arrogance in front of Xiao knowing that he holds him dearly. That when she storms outside the room she felt hermission was complete that she didn't care of the other party.

Now the real crises starts.

”If you stop now, I could always call him”he dare! Now this is the true image of arrogance and tyranny.

”I'm am sorry your highness please eat the remaining porridge by yourself”

” How should I eat when I have this injury”

”You only injured your left shoulder, your right hand should be fine”

” I am left handed”


”Did I hear you click your tongue!”

”That was your imagination your highness”

”BAI SHIN LINNNNNN, is this how you gonna treat your patient !!!”

”I am sorry your highness but my tummy hurts. Oh my, I think I gonna poop. Ow ow ow. And I think it's gonna come out now. It's an emergency!!!! I'm sorry I need to go to the toilet. Gotta leave you first.” Teehee

With that she went out and never bothered to came back with the injured Prince.