22 Face with the cruel new world (2/2)
After a moment of thinking of her misfortunes. She decided to stand up. She'll find another physician that could follow her.
As she was about to leave, a young boy clutch her clothes. He look at her.
”Are you here looking for grampa?”
Bai Shin Lin turn around and kneeled in a way that her height would be of the same level as this child. She let a sad smile towards the boy. ”Unfortunately I am too late.Please, I take my condolences for your grampa. He really is a good physician during his days that he's pretty famous in our camp. He must be in his resting place right now”
”We'll if you want to visit grampa, you can follow me” the child tucked her clothes
”ehhh?, kid I still have many things to do. I need to find person similar to your grampa. I can't follow your grampa with you in heaven.”
”not that.”
”well kid, it's really that I have an important task to do. I'll pray for your deceased grandfather in the future and I'll offer my heartfelt wishes that he will surely rest in peace.”
”My grampa is in the cemetery…”
Maybe he hasn't yet fully recovered with the passing of the old man that this kid still hasn't accept the reality. She patted his head.
His grampa passed away quickly that this boy hasn't even made his farewell. That why he keeps hallucinating as if he is still alive. Beneath her, she could fell the warmth emotions that this boy is emitting whenever he talks of the old man.
”follow” the child keeps on insisting. So she better followed him. Well at least she could pray for the dead man's soul.
They reach the public cemetery.
The place was well maintained. Flowers blooming beautifully with the rays of the sun.The place is emitting a peaceful and tranquil environment. One could feel at ease when go there. After all, it's the resting place of their beloved person
The child was so small that maybe he's only a six year old. Because the child was so slow, she pick him up for them to be a little faster. They stop in front of a well maintained tomb.
This man has done a lot of good deeds that even the caretaker of this place is fully taking caring of his tomb. He kneels down to offer her prayer.
”Elder Murong, I offer my sincerest prayer to you. Even though I didn't see you but I know you live a fulfilling like. Please continue to haunt your impudent son that he will rethink all he's bad deeds. Please give him a life's learning either by stepping into his own poop or drowning in a river or get bitten by a mad dog. It's just a simple request from the one who's in heaven. Please don't condemned me after this for I am just stating my own opinion”
She clasp her hands while closing her eyes.
When she was about to open her eyes, she was hit by a wooden rod.
”You ignorant fool!”
She flinch from the pain. What is this man's problem! He look to the kid beside her and what she saw in his face was pure shocked. ”My grampa is not dead. It's just his living in the cemetery….”this was the words that goes out in his little mouth!
She totally misunderstood this child! What he meant by in the cemetery was, he was living near the cemetery while being the caretaker of the place and she mean it literally. If not for the idiot son of this saying that this man is dead this misunderstanding will not occur! She felt bad for killing the old man in her taught.
The man still keeps hitting him with his rod though it wasn't that hard. He just hit her lightly in a wayshe could take it.
”You're not satisfied by killing me yet you included my child. Even I know how despicable that son of mine is. How impudent and evil he is. How stupid and idiot that child of mine! You should instead wished that he would go hit by a thunder or would go limp for all I care that he would go back crawling with his own father. You don't need to go easy on him. He deserve it!”
Has this family has this side of craziness among them?