14 Helping Her a Little (1/2)

It was her first day in Leng's residence. When she woke up, the girl had already gone to her work leaving the little brat behind.

”You're awake. Your old yet you sleep like a log”

Mei started her first banter on her.


She still feel sleepy. She didn't pay her attention then get back to sleep.

Mei went to her bed. ”what are you doing get up. Your a freeloader here! at least show some loyalty”

This time she couldn't sleep at all. Mei was like a mother nagging to her child about going to school. ”okay okay I'm up now what?”

”It's already almost noon. I'm going to send sister her lunch and you'll come with me”

”what's your sister's work?” with full of curiosity she ask her.

The girl's eyes lit in excitement ”my sister works in a performing troupe. They are pretty famous in the capital now. if you want you can watch her perform” Mei said boastful.

Just hearing performance her mood lifted. Back then she was an avid fan and a solid follower of some boy groups she know. She clearly remembers that feeling of mix emotions and pure happiness when she went on their concerts. She missed those old days.

She ask little Mei what was Leng's role and the brat said that she's one of the actresses there. The girl also said that her sister was pretty famous and that lot's of admirers are fighting for her attention. It's not something that would astonishher. Leng really is a beauty of her generation. Plus with her kindness she's the perfect role model for young maidens out there.

She could see boring days come to an end upon learning this.

They enter a huge mansion that hides a magnificent arena on the inside. From her point of view, the stage could almost hold thousands of people inside.

”where's your sister? and why are we hiding?”

She's been meaning to ask this child because they'relike fugitives in hiding.

”My sister don't like me going in here. So I secretly sneak here”

What the heck.

This is troublesome.

She was getting ready to stand up from where they were hiding and head straight to the girl's sister when she saw a similar event that happens in a drama.

Leng was talking to a voluptuous lady with an overbearing aura. She can't hear what are they talking but it seems that she's scolding Leng.

Just then her hand landed on her left cheek. A loud ”slap” sound echo to the whole vicinity. She was a little taken aback. Leng didn't do anything. She just feel her left cheek and look unto the ground.

She was about to storm where they were standing but Mei stopped her. In her eyes she could see hatred and tears that could fall any moment. How can this child harbors this kind of sentiment when she's only a kid? She hugged her tightly and patted her head.

This has nothing to do with her, that's what she thought. Helping them would be troublesome and she hates to be the center of attention but when she sees this scene she could feelcrap inside. Somethings need to set straight.

They just left Leng's lunchbox.

When Leng got back that evening she was cheerful like something didn't happen andMei was treating her like she saw nothing. What a pair of oddball.

”where are your parents” she burst without thinking. It was too late for her to withdraw her words. It was Leng who answer ”I don't know where they are. Its just me and Mei since the beginning. They left and never came back”


”It's okay. Where trying to live our lives. Mei is the only thing that matters to me...” and she hugs Mei like she's some kind of rare treasure in the world. They were each others strength. She had long for this kind of relationship. Without any hidden motif just pure and loving. She was alone in her other world that's why she wasn't able to experience that kind of attachment with one another.

Late that night Leng went to her bed carrying little Mei on her hands. Mei was fast asleep between the grasp of her big sister. ”Sister can little Mei sleep with you tonight?” she was dubious of her actions. ”is something the matter?” she talk back at her. ”nothing, it's just that I need to separate her from me. She's a big girl who'll need to be independent sooner ” Leng was right. However, was this the right move to do?

Leng put the sleeping girl next to her bed. ”Its just this night, please sister” She pleaded. How could she resist when she genuinely ask her?

It's just only this time and Leng makes sure that she will not be bothered tomorrow.

”oh well, if it's only for the night ” she agreed after all she's her benefactor.