Part 57 (1/2)
”Good job, Doc?” I recognize the Deputy's voice
The physician nods
”darin on his parch to my feet In terror the officers rush from the cell ”Ah, I fooled you, didn't I, you ht of the eneenders defiance, and strengthens stubborn resistance
In my utter isolation, the world outside appears like a faint memory, unreal and dim The deprivation of newspapers has entirely severedLetters froular; they sound strangely cold and i; no communication reaches eman, is unsympathetic; he still bearsRussell still remembers h, apprising ly shoots between the bars, while the double file of prisoners ard, the old buoyant step now languid and heavy A tone of apprehension pervades his notes He is constantly harassed by the officers, he writes; his task has been increased; he is nervous and weak, and his health is declining
In the broken sentences, I sense so calaain I live through the hopes and fears that drew us into closer friendshi+p, the days of terrible anxiety incident to the tunnel project My heart goes out to the faithful boy, whose loyalty and discretion have sofor his co loneliness, his face floats beforefeatures softened by sorrow, his eyes grown large with the same sweet sadness of ”Little Felipe” A peculiar tenderness steals into erly to his notes I line, wistful for the sight of the youth, andsone The hours are weary with silence and solitude Listlessly I turn the pages of my library book If only I had the birds! I should find solace in their thoughtful eyes: dick and Sis would understand and feel with me But my poor little friends have disappeared; only Russell remains My only friend! I shall not see him when he returns to the cell at noon: the line passes on the opposite side of the hall But in the afternoon, when the ain unlocked for work, I shall look into his eyes for a happy e for me He is so tender-hearted: his correspondence is full of syeood news: another day is gone, his sentence is nearing its end; he will at once secure a position, and save every penny to aid in my release Tacitly I concur in his ardent hope,--it would break his heart to be disillusioned
The passing weeks andno break in the dreary monotony The call of the robin on the river bank rouses no echo in htens the constant semi-darkness of the solitary The da my bones; every movement racks my body with pain My eyes are tortured with the eternal white of the walls So for a bit of sunshi+ne I wait patiently at the door: perhaps it is clear to-day My cell faces west; lance upon me For hours I stand with naked breast close to the bars: I must not miss a friendly ray; it may suddenly peep into the cell and turn away froht beam plays on my neck and shoulders, and I press closer to the door to welcoer He caresses me with soft touch,--perhaps it is the soul of little dick pouring out his tender greeting in this song of light,--orwarht, barren of joy in life The sun is fading It feels chilly in the twilight,--and now the solitary is once more bleak and cold
As his release approaches, the tone of native confidence becomes more assertive in Russell's letter The boy is jubilant and full of vitality: within three months he will breathe the air of freedo me behind permeates his com erly every day I anticipate hisI saw hin of the reht is in his eyes, his step fir from the line With sudden apprehension I wonder at his absence Could I have overlooked hi ranks? It is barely possible Perhaps he has re serious; he will surely be in line to- and afternoon, I anxiously scrutinize the faces of the passingthem His absence torments me with a thousand fears May be the Warden has renewed his inquisition of the boy--perhaps he got into a fight in the shop--in the dungeon now--he'll lose his commutation time Unable to bear the suspense, I am about to appeal to the Chaplain, when a friendly runner surreptitiously hands nizein the uneven, nervous scrawl Russell is in the hospital! At work in the shop, he writes, he had suffered a chill The doctor committed him to the ward for observation, but the officers and the convict nurses accuse hi to evade work They threaten to have him returned to the shop, and he implores me to have the Chaplain intercede for hi left alone in the cell in his present condition fills hient request to see the Chaplain But the guard inforan is absent; he is not expected at the office till the folloeek I prevail upon the kindly Mitchell, recently transferred to the South Block, to deliver a note to the Warden, in which I appeal on behalf of Russell But several days pass, and still no reply froht Finally I pretend severe pains in the bowels, to afford Frank, the doctor's assistant, an opportunity to pause at my cell As the ”medicine boy” pours the prescribed pint of ”horse salts” through the funnel inserted between the bars, I hastily inquire:
”Is Russell still in the ward, Frank? How is he?”
”What Russell?” he asks indifferently
”Russell Schroyer, put four days ago under observation,”
”Oh, that poor kid! Why, he is paralyzed”