Part 27 (2/2)

”Now that I come to reflect, I am almost positive that the brooch had not been stolen,” he answered, slowly.

”You are quite confident of that?” she cried, quickly.

”I will not swear,” he answered, ”but if my memory does not deceive me it was still at her throat. I recollect noticing a strange mark beneath her chin, and wondering how it had been caused. Without doubt when her head sunk heavily upon her breast in death her chin had pressed upon the brooch.”

”In that case you certainly have sufficient justification to take an oath if the question were put to you in a court of justice,” she observed, her brows knit reflectively.

George was puzzled how this fact could affect Liane's future welfare, or rescue her from marriage with the Prince. This woman, too, was a mystery, and he found himself wondering who and what she was.

”You are already aware of my name,” he observed, after a brief pause.

”Now that we have exchanged confidences in this manner, may I not know yours?”

”It is no secret, m'sieur,” she replied, looking into his face and smiling. ”My name is Mariette Lepage.”

”Mariette Lepage!” he gasped, starting from his chair, and glaring at her in bewilderment.

”That, m'sieur, is my name,” she answered, opening her dark eyes widely in surprise at his strange and sudden att.i.tude. ”Surely it is not so very extraordinary that, in giving you, a stranger, an address at the Post Restante I should have used a name that was not my own?”



George Stratfield walked out of his hotel next morning his mind full of Mariette Lepage's strange statements. Long and deeply he pondered over the curious situation, but could discern no solution of the intricate problem. That there was some deep mystery underlying the actions of this woman he could not fail to recognise, yet, try how he would, he nevertheless found himself regarding her with misgiving. Her coquettishness caused him grave suspicion. Although she had endeavoured to convince him of her friendliness towards Liane it was apparent from certain of her remarks that she had some ulterior motive in endeavouring to obtain from him the exact details of the tragedy. He felt confident that she was Liane's enemy.

Was it not a cruel vagary of Fate that he should discover this unknown woman whom his father had designated as his wife, only to find her the bitterest foe of the woman he loved? This was the woman who, under his father's eccentric will, was to be offered twenty thousand pounds to accept him as husband!

He had said nothing of the offer which sooner or later must be formally made to her, but before they had parted she had given him as her address the Villa Fortunee, at Monaco. He remembered the strange fact of one of her letters being found in Nelly Bridson's pocket, but when he mentioned it she had merely remarked that she had been acquainted with the unfortunate girl. Nevertheless, he also recollected that the letter had contained an expression never used in polite society, and that it had been considered by the police as an altogether extraordinary and rather incriminating doc.u.ment.

Confused and bewildered, he was walking beneath the awnings on the shops of the Quai Ma.s.sena on his way to the Promenade, when suddenly he heard his name uttered, and on looking up found Liane standing before him smiling. In her tailor-made gown of pale fawn with a neat toque, she presented an extremely smart and fresh-looking appearance.

”You were so engrossed, George,” she said half-reproachfully, with a pretty pout, ”that you were actually pa.s.sing me unnoticed. What's the matter? Something on your mind?”

”Yes,” he answered, endeavouring to laugh, so pleased was he that they had met. ”I have something always on my mind--you.”

”Then I regret if thoughts of me induce such sadness,” she answered, as turning in the direction she was walking he strolled by her side. The March sun was so warm that its fiery rays burnt his face.

”Don't speak like that, Liane,” he protested. ”You surely must know how heavily those cruel words you spoke at Monte Carlo have fallen upon me.

How can I have happiness when I know that ere long we must part?” They had crossed the road, and were entering the public garden in order that pa.s.sers-by should not overhear their conversation, for in Nice half the people in the streets speak or understand English.

”Yes,” she sighed gloomily. ”I know I ought not to have spoken like that, George. Forgive me, I know that happiness is not for me, yet I am trying not to wear my heart upon my sleeve.”

”But what compels you to marry this man, who was once an adventurer and swindler, and is still unscrupulous? Surely such a man is no fitting husband for you?”

Liane glanced at him quickly in surprise. If her lover knew of Zertho's past he would no doubt have learnt that her father had also earned a precarious livelihood by his wits.

”Already I have told you that a secret tie binds me irrevocably to him,”
