29 Should We Trust the Government? (1/2)
Over years of streaming, Jay and the others already formed a close bond with their fans of which many had also been following him for years when they were still streaming League of Legends. What they got going on was much like an online community, with Jay, Alex, Elon, and Christian being the tribal leaders.
Jay began talking as he waited for PUBG to load, ”We don't know either, but we do know that the technology they possess could be much more advanced than we can imagine. For now, the Big D Brings Spring squad is just going to play by the Nirvana's rules first, since there aren't many options out there for us to consider anyways. We don't see it ending any time soon. For this thing to end, there must be a victor, either the governments or Nirvana, and judging by the fight at Liberty Island we just witnessed, I don't know about other countries, but at least the US government isn't winning any time soon.”
”Yeah, I watched the fight too!”
”The military got f*cked!”
”Those mechs are really cool though, they look like the Gundams from anime!”
”Hey I'm from the US too, I really hope the government can send in the military and take care of Nirvana right away!”
”Yeah, the government should do something! They take so much of our money for taxes, at least make it useful!”
Seeing the new messages in the chat room, Jay continued to reply, ”Well, yeah, and to be honest, I don't think we can really trust at least the current government. I mean, we are talking about a government that can decide to shut down and not pay its employees for over a month just because they couldn't agree on who to pay for the Mexican wall.”
Upon hearing politics, Christian immediately got riled up and jumped into the conversation, ”Yo!! Do we really not have any good candidates in the political elections? I mean, the last election, we got a lying clown and a shameless clown that also lies his face off.”
After gulping down some water, he continued, ”Why would the American people trust that Tronald Wang would make America great again? The dude literally attempted to do business in all kinds of industries and failed miserably. Oh fun fact, he tried to sue an author in 2005 for estimating that his empire was worth as little as $150 million and he regularly lobbies Forbes to increase their magazine's estimates of his wealth. Oh and another fun fact, if he just invested his daddy's money in S&P500, he would be a lot richer than he is right now.”
Elon laughed as he tried to interject, ”Please excuse Givemethatchicken, he has quite a strong opinion on our current president.”
Alex also spoke, ”Ayy, we are almost in the game!” However, the chat just kept going.
”Yo I feel you Bro, I think he tried Wang Airlines which defaulted, Wang beverages which failed.”
”Oh he also tried to make a board game in 1988 and blamed the low sales on how it might have been 'too complicated'. He tried again in 2004 and then it failed again.”
”LOOL, do you guys remember the Wang Casino? Once wasn't enough, he filed for bankruptcy three times! The first time was because the business got itself $3 billion in debt after just one year of operation, the second time was $1.8 billion in debt, and the third time was missing an interest payment on a $53.1 million bond.”