20 My Dick is Enormous (2/2)

”Yeah. And FYI, I just had it play the previous message I saved, and it turned out to be...”

”MY DICK IS ENORMOUS!” The speaker kept playing in the background as it flew over the horde of zombies.

The others had to admit that it was a clutch move because after they shot down the zombies that were getting pretty close to their van, many zombies began chasing after the speaker which landed in a tree.

The group tried to avoid shooting and just drove past the few zombies on their way back home, trying to not make any noises louder than the speaker.

One had to say, it was a successful operation, and the group safely avoided the zombies without having to fire a shot as they quietly drove back to their house.

”Wait, when was that message saved?” Christian asked.

”When I tried to wake you up two days ago in the morning because you clogged my toilet,” Elon replied nonchalantly.

”Oh yeah! I remember now!”

When the group quietly parked by their old spot at their neighbors, they stealthily flipped over the fence.

”Give me one second,” Elon halted the group as he pulled out his phone.

Earlier, he already hacked into their smart home system's center control panel and changed the settings to display past activities records of all sensors in their house, including motion sensors.

”Okay, so we last opened the second-floor window to get onto the roof at around 8:52 PM, and no other sensors were triggered afterward. Our house should be safe,” Elon led the way as he explained.

The group opened their front door after they passed the fingerprint + password lock, finally letting out a long breath of relief as they shut the door behind them.

The group all sat onto the floor, their legs shaking. Although they were true warriors out there moments ago, it was indeed a bit too much for a bunch of barely-18 kids to handle.

To get everyone's mind to think about something happy, Jay pulled out his phone, ”Oh hey, let me see how many credits I have on the app now.”