5 Is Insurance Still a Thing? (1/2)
”I counted, we each have about 50 bullets left, and so far we don't know when we will come across more ammunition. Let's use the bow for now, it also attracts less attention,” Elon suggested.
The group decided to put Elon on watch at the balcony, who would shoot his rifle with an 8x scope when necessary.
Then, the other three would flip over the fence, with Jay and Alex guarding as Christian either throwing things over or shoving things through the metal fence.
It was about 6:30, there was no internet so it felt like time passed really slowly. It had been only about two hours since that creepy announcement, yet the streets in their part of the neighborhood already quieted down.
People were either killed and went into hiding, with just a few zombies roaming on the streets, making the transportation mission easier than anticipated.
Wait, never mind. It was a crap ton of food to either throw or squeeze through the fence.
Although nothing was really happening but labor work, the group still felt blood-boiled and their bodies filled with adrenaline. They felt like brave warriors surviving the zombie apocalypse.
”Yo careful on the eggs, don't just throw it...” Alex whispered.
After they got the stuff through the gate, they climbed back over and began making trips back and forth to transport the food back to the house.
After they packed everything in, the boys sat around the table and ate the hot food they got from the store. Unlike the other days, there was no internet, no videos or music playing in the background as they ate. It was just a simple meal with the closest people.
”I kind of miss this,” Elon softy said.
”Yeah, it's been a while since we sat around a table and ate together without any distraction,” Alex replied.
”Ayy, it's quite romantic too, with the dimmed lights,” Christian added.
”I wonder what Mama is doing right now, is the cell service still down?” Jay sounded a little worried.
”She should be fine. We survived with hunting rifles, and she runs a shop selling rifles and machine guns, what do you think?” Although worried as well, Christian tried to lighten the mood.
Knowing that there was nothing they could improve by being down and worried, the group quickly finished the food and began discussing the survival strategies they had gathered from all those years of watching zombie movies and playing survival games.
Food and ammunition were not an urgent problem as of right now, but it was a bit creepy living in such a big beach house. Lucky to be starting the apocalypse with abundant supply and their luxurious shelter, the group just had to worry about security for now.
With their property being this big and the backup generator not strong enough to run the cameras, it did feel a bit creepy. Thankfully, the security sensors could still work since most were battery-operated, so the boys could at least hear the classic ”beep beep beep beep” when a door or window opens.
”The zombies don't look that fast and threatening, but I do remember that we also have to worry about other survivors in the case of an apocalypse since all laws are basically out of the window now,” Elon said as he remembered what happened in The Walking Dead.
Sure, zombies are scary, but humans are still the more intelligent ones that are also armed with all kinds of weapons. Who knew what someone else would be capable of doing when everyone's fighting over for limited supplies to survive? There's not even cellular service to call 911...
Alex: ”Should we turn on the alarm system in our house?”
Elon: ”Probably not, since one intruder will trigger the alarm and probably alert every zombie in our neighborhood.”