2 Plan B (1/2)

The group just followed Phantom Pen15 and ran from house to house, jumping from window to window.

”Woaaaaaaaahhh!” Ricedoctor screamed right as he spotted a dude in the corner, who was just as stunned seeing the ”celebrity squad - Big D Brings Spring” jumping into the window.

He was just about to point his AK-47 towards Ricedoctor when Phantom Pen15 came in through the front and shoved a crowbar up his ass.

In PlayerUnknown's Battleground (PUBG), if a player's health point (HP) reaches zero and his or her teammate(s) is still alive, he/she wouldn't die right away. Instead, the player would gain another HP bar that slowly depletes and could have a chance to be revived by his/her team before the new HP bar reaches zero. In the meantime, the downed member could only slowly crawl around but won't be able to use any weapon.

Boink, boink.

[Phantom Pen15 killed CantDieImPro]

Phantom Pen15 quickly finished off the ”crawler”. Usually, they would leave the crawler alive to lure in and kill that player's teammates as well. However, they were currently at Destination F*cked and needed to get out of here right away.

”Thanks for the AK.” Phantom Pen15 quickly scavenged the remains, grabbing the assault rifle and 60 bullets.

The group cleared a few more houses and cleared a few squads along the way. By the time they got to the vehicle, they were already fully loaded on ammo, first aid kits, and pills.

”Ayyy, we are almost out of here!” The squad began cheering as they were closing in on the vehicle.

Just to ensure they get onto the vehicle safely, Givemethatchicken even chucked in a smoke grenade. ”You will actually be surprised at the number of people that stops shooting when there's smoke.”

The viewers could clearly see Phantom Pen15's face getting more and more tense as they got closer and closer to the vehicle. No one knew how much he was praying to Jesus that no one would shoot them in the next few seconds before they storm out of here.

”Finally! Step on that gas, Phantom!” Ricedoctor shouted the moment he entered the blue Nissan shitbox.

However, the next moment truly left everyone dumbfounded.

”Aloha snack bar!” A woman's voice sounded in the public voice chat as the squad faintly saw a figure charging into the smoke towards their vehicle.

”What the...”


[Mama Karma killed Phantom Pen15, Ricedoctor, Dildo Swaggins, and Givemethatchicken]

At the beach house, the four young men were still staring at the screen, trying to comprehend what just happened.

Dildo Swaggins broke the silence: ”Ayy, the smoke did stop enemy gunfire.”