Part 24 (1/2)
”I wouldn't say so, if I had the say.” Cleveland, baffled and frustrated, straightened up and shut off his cameras. ”We should report back as soon as possible, of course, but there seems to be a lot of wreckage out there yet that we can't photograph in detail at this distance. A close study of it might help us a lot in understanding what they did and how they did it. I'd say that we should get close-ups of whatever is left, and do it right away, before it gets scattered all over s.p.a.ce; but of course I can't give you orders.”
”You can, though,” the captain made surprising answer. ”My orders are that you are in command of this vessel.”
”In that case we will proceed at full emergency acceleration to investigate the wreckage,” Cleveland replied, and the cruiser-sole survivor of Triplanetary's supposedly invincible force-shot away with every projector delivering its maximum blast.
As the scene of the disaster was approached there was revealed upon the plates a confused ma.s.s of debris; a ma.s.s whose individual units were apparently moving at random, yet which was as a whole still following the orbit of Roger's planetoid. s.p.a.ce was full of machine parts, structural members, furniture, flotsam of all kinds; and everywhere were the bodies of men. Some were encased in s.p.a.ce-suits, and it was to these that the rescuers turned first-s.p.a.ce-hardened veterans though the men of the Chicago were, they did not care even to look at the others. Strangely enough, however, not one of the floating figures spoke or moved, and s.p.a.ce-line men were hurriedly sent out to investigate.
”All dead.” Quickly the dread report came back. ”Been dead a long time. The armor is all stripped off the suits, and all the generators and other apparatus are all shot. Something funny about it, too-none of them seem to have been touched, but the machinery of the suits seems to be about half missing.”
”I've got it all on the reels, sir.” Cleveland, his close-up survey of the wreckage finished, turned to the captain. ”What they've just reported checks up with what I have photographed everywhere. I've got an idea of what might have happened, but it's so new that I'll have to have some evidence before I'll believe it myself. You might have them bring in a few of the armored bodies, a couple of those switchboards and panels floating around out there, and half a dozen miscellaneous pieces of junk-the nearest things they get hold of, whatever they happen to be.”
”Then back to Tellus at maximum?”
”Right-back to Tellus, as fast as we can possibly get there.”
While the Chicago hurtled through s.p.a.ce at full power, Cleveland and the ranking officers of the vessel grouped themselves about the salvaged wreckage. Familiar with s.p.a.ce-wrecks as were they all, none of them had ever seen anything like the material before them. For every part and instrument was weirdly and meaninglessly disintegrated. There were no breaks, no marks of violence, and yet nothing was intact. Bolt-holes stared empty, cores, s.h.i.+elding cases and needles had disappeared, the vital parts of every instrument hung awry, disorganization reigned rampant and supreme.
”I never imagined such a mess,” the captain said, after a long and silent study of the objects. ”If you have a theory to cover that, Cleveland, I would like to hear it!”
”I want you to notice something first,” the expert replied. ”But don't look for what's there-look for what isn't there.”
”Well, the armor is gone. So are the s.h.i.+elding cases, shafts, spindles, the housings and stems ...” the captain's voice died away as his eyes raced over the collection. ”Why everything that was made of wood, bakelite, copper, aluminum, silver, bronze, or anything but steel hasn't been touched, and every bit of that is gone. But that doesn't make sense-what does it mean?”
”I don't know-yet,” Cleveland replied, slowly. ”But I'm afraid that there's more, and worse.” He opened a s.p.a.ce-suit reverently, revealing the face; a face calm and peaceful, but utterly, sickeningly white. Still reverently, he made a deep incision in the brawny neck, severing the jugular vein, then went on, soberly:
”You never imagined such a thing as white blood, either, but it all checks up. Someway, somehow, every atom of free or combined iron in this whole volume of s.p.a.ce was made off with.”
”Huh? How come? And above all, why?” from the amazed and staring officers.
”You know as much as I do,” grimly, ponderingly. ”If it were not for the fact that there are solid asteroids of iron out beyond Mars, I would say that somebody wanted iron badly enough to wipe out the fleet and the planetoid to get it. But anyway, whoever they were, they carried enough power so that our armament didn't bother them at all. They simply took the metal they wanted and went away with it-so fast that I couldn't trace them with an ultra-beam. There's only one thing plain; but that's so plain that it scares me stiff. This whole affair spells intelligence, with a capital 'I', and that intelligence is anything but friendly. I want to put Fred Rodebush at work on this just as fast as I can get him.”
He stepped over to his ultra-projector and put in a call for Virgil Samms, whose face soon appeared upon his screen.
”We got it all, Virgil,” he reported. ”It's something extraordinary-bigger, wider, and deeper than any of us dreamed. It may be urgent, too, so I think I had better shoot the stuff in on an ultra-beam and save some time. Fred has a telemagneto recorder there that he can synchronize with this outfit easily enough. Right?”
”Right. Good work, Lyman-thanks,” came back terse approval and appreciation, and soon the steel wires were again flas.h.i.+ng from reel to reel. This time, however, their varying magnetic charges were so modulating ultra-waves that every detail of that calamitous battle of the void was being screened and recorded in the innermost private laboratory of the Triplanetary Service.
Eager though he naturally was to join his fellow-scientists, Cleveland was not impatient during the long, but uneventful journey back to Earth. There was much to study, many improvements to be made in his comparatively crude first ultra-camera. Then, too, there were long conferences with Samms, and particularly with Rodebush, the nuclear physicist, who would have to do much of the work involved in solving the riddles of the energies and weapons of the Nevians. Thus it did not seem long before green Terra grew large beneath the flying sphere of the Chicago.
”Going to have to circle it once, aren't you?” Cleveland asked the chief pilot. He had been watching that officer closely for minutes, admiring the delicacy and precision with which the great vessel was being maneuvered preliminary to entering the Earth's atmosphere.
”Yes,” the pilot replied. ”We had to come in in the shortest possible time, and that meant a velocity here that we can't check without a spiral. However, even at that we saved a lot of time. You can save quite a bit more, though, by having a rocket-plane come out to meet us somewhere around fifteen or twenty thousand kilometers, depending upon where you want to land. With their drives they can match our velocity and still make the drop direct.”
”Guess I'll do that-thanks,” and the operative called his chief, only to learn that his suggestion had already been acted upon.
”We beat you to it, Lyman,” Samms smiled. ”The Silver Sliver is out there now, looping to match your course, acceleraction, and velocity at twenty two thousand kilometers. You'll be ready to transfer?”
”I'll be ready,” and the Quartermaster's ex-clerk went to his quarters and packed his dunnage-bag.
In due time the long, slender body of the rocket-plane came into view, creeping ”down” upon the s.p.a.ce-s.h.i.+p from ”above,” and Cleveland bade his friends goodbye. Donning a s.p.a.ce-suit, he stationed himself in the starboard airlock. Its atmosphere was withdrawn, the outer door opened, and he glanced across a bare hundred feet of s.p.a.ce at the rocket-plane which, keel ports fiercely aflame, was braking her terrific speed to match the slower pace of the gigantic sphere of war. Shaped like a toothpick, needle-pointed fore and aft, with ultra-stubby wings and vanes, with flush-set rocket ports everywhere, built of a l.u.s.trous, silvery alloy of n.o.ble and almost infusible metals-such was the private speedboat of Triplanetary's head man. The fastest thing known, whether in planetary air, the stratosphere, or the vacuous depth of interplanetary s.p.a.ce, her first flas.h.i.+ng trial spins had won her the nickname of the Silver Sliver. She had had a more formal name, but that t.i.tle had long since been buried in the Departmental files.