Part 4 (2/2)

Taurus Antinor had listened quite patiently to Menecreta's tale. His sun-tanned face clearly showed how hard he was trying to gather up the tangled threads of her sc.r.a.ppy narrative. Nor did the lictors this time try to interfere with the woman. The praefect apparently was in no easy temper to-day, and when ill-humour seized him rods and flails were kept busy.

”And why didst not pet.i.tion me before?” he asked, after a while, when Menecreta paused in order to draw breath.

And his face looked so fierce, his voice sounded so rough, no wonder the poor woman trembled as she whispered through her tears:

”I did not dare, my lord--I did not dare.”

”Yet thou didst dare openly to outrage the law!”

”I wanted my child.”

”And how many aurei didst promise to Hun Rhavas for helping thee to defraud the State?”

”Only five, my lord,” she murmured.

”Then,” he said sternly, ”not only didst thou conspire to cheat the State for whose benefit the sale of the late censor's goods was ordered by imperial decree, but thou didst bribe another--a slave of the treasury--to aid and abet thee in this fraud.”

Menecreta's grasp round the praefect's knees did not relax and he made no movement to free himself, but her head fell sideways against her shoulder whilst her lips murmured in tones of utter despair:

”I wanted my child.”

”For thy delinquencies,” resumed the praefect, seemingly not heeding the pathetic appeal, ”thou shalt appear before my tribunal on the morrow like unto Hun Rhavas thine accomplice, and thou shalt then be punished no less than thou deservest. But this is no place for the delivery of my judgment upon thee, and the sale must proceed as the law directs; thy daughter must stand upon the catasta, thou canst renew thy bid of twenty aurei for her, and,” he added with unmistakable significance, as throwing his head back his imperious glance swept over the a.s.sembled crowd, ”as there will be no higher bid for Nola, daughter of Menecreta, she will become thy property as by law decreed.”

The true meaning of this last sentence was quite unmistakable. The crowd who had gathered round the rostrum to watch, gaping, the moving incident, looked on the praefect and understood no one was to bid for Nola, the daughter of Menecreta. Taurus Antinor, surnamed Anglica.n.u.s, had spoken and it would not be to anyone's advantage to quarrel with his arbitrary p.r.o.nouncement for the sake of any slave girl, however desirable she might be. It was not pleasant to encounter the wrath of the praefect of Rome nor safe to rouse his enmity.

So the crowd acquiesced silently, not only because it feared the praefect, but also because Menecreta's sorrow, the call of the despairing mother, the sad tragedy of this little domestic episode had not left untouched the hearts of these Roman citizens. In matters of sentiment they were not cruel and they held family ties in great esteem; both these factors went far towards causing any would-be purchaser to obey Taurus Antinor's commands and to retire at once from the bidding.

As for Menecreta, it seemed to her as if the heavens had opened before her delighted gaze. From the depths of despair she had suddenly been dragged forth into the blinding daylight of hope. She could scarcely believe that her ears had heard rightly the words of the praefect.

Still clinging to his knees she raised her head to him; her eyes still dimmed with tears looked strangely wondering up at his face whilst her lips murmured faintly:

”Art thou a G.o.d, that thou shouldst act like this?”

But obviously the small stock of patience possessed by the praefect was now exhausted, for he pushed the woman roughly away from him.

”A truce on thy ravings now, woman. The midday hour is almost on us. I have no further time to waste on thine affairs. Put the girl up on the catasta,” he added, speaking in his usual harsh, curt way, ”and take this woman's arms from round my s.h.i.+ns.”

And it was characteristic of him that this time he did not interfere with his lictors when they handled the woman with their accustomed roughness.


”Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.”--ECCLESIASTES XI. 1.

The fair-skinned Cheiron up on the rostrum now took over the duties of the disgraced Hun Rhavas.

The interlude had caused the crowd to linger on despite the approach of noonday, an hour always devoted, almost sacred, to rest. But now that decorum was once more restored and the work of the sale could be proceeded with in the methodical manner approved by the praefect, interest began to flag.
