Part 8 (1/2)
”Yes, madame,” replied the impudent rogue, very demurely; ”like most people who tell their own stories, I was born of honest, but poor parents.”
”I believe your parents were honest; and now, Lionel, to reward you, I shall pay for your boots, and you may keep your sovereign.”
”Thank your ladys.h.i.+p,” replied the lad. ”I forgot to say that the cook is outside for orders.”
Lady R--rose, and went out of the room; and Mr Lionel, laughing at me, put the sovereign down with the others.
”Now, I call that real honesty. You saw me borrow it, and now you see me pay it.”
”Yes; but suppose her ladys.h.i.+p had not given you the sovereign, how would it have been then?” said I.
”I should have paid her very honestly,” replied he. ”If I wished to cheat her, or rob her, I might do so all day long. She leaves her money about everywhere, and never knows what she has; besides, if I wanted to steal, I should not do so with those bright eyes of yours looking at me all the time.”
”You are a very saucy boy,” replied I, more amused than angry.
”It's all from reading, and it's not my fault, for her ladys.h.i.+p makes me read, and I never yet read any book about old times in which the pages were not saucy; but I've no time to talk just now--my spoons are not clean yet,” so saying he quitted the room.
I did not know whether I ought to inform her ladys.h.i.+p of this freak of her page's; but, as the money was returned, I thought I had better say nothing for the present. I soon found out that the lad was correct in a.s.serting that she was careless of her money, and that, if he chose, he might pilfer without chance of discovery; and, moreover, that he really was a good and honest lad, only full of mischief and very impudent; owing, however, to Lady R--'s treatment of him, for she rather encouraged his impudence than otherwise. He was certainly a very clever, witty boy, and a very quick servant; so quick, indeed, at his work, that it almost appeared as if he never had anything to do, and he had plenty of time for reading, which he was very fond of.
Lady R--returned, and resumed her writing.
”You sing, do you not? I think Mrs Bathurst told me you were very harmonious. Now, Valerie, do me a favour: I want to hear a voice carolling some melodious ditty. I shall describe it so much better, if I really heard you sing. I do like reality; of course, you must sing without music, for my country girl cannot be crossing the mead with a piano in one hand, and a pail of water in the other.”
”I should think not,” replied I, laughing; ”but am not I too near?”
”Yes, rather; I should prefer it on the stairs, or on the first floor landing, but I could not be so rude as to send you out of the room.”
”But I will go without sending,” replied I; and I did so, and having arrived at my station, I sang a little French refrain, which I thought would answer her ladys.h.i.+p's purpose. On my return her ladys.h.i.+p was writing furiously, and did not appear to notice my entrance. I took my seat quietly, and in about ten minutes she again threw down the pen, exclaiming:
”I never wrote so effective a chapter! Valerie, you are more precious to me than fine gold; and as Shylock said of his ring, 'I would not change thee for a wilderness of monkeys.' I make the quotation as expressive of your value. It was so kind-hearted of you to comply with my wish. You don't know an author's feelings. You have no idea how our self-love is flattered by success, and that we value a good pa.s.sage in our works more than anything else in existence. Now, you have so kindly administered to my ruling pa.s.sion twice in one morning, that I love you exceedingly. I daresay you think me very odd, and people say that I am so; I may ask you to do many odd things for me, but I shall never ask you to do what a lady may not do, or what would be incorrect for you to do, or for me to propose; that you may depend upon, Valerie: and now I close my ma.n.u.script for the present, being well satisfied with the day's work.”
Lady R--rang the bell, and on Lionel making his appearance, she desired him to take away her writing materials, put her money into her purse--if he knew where the purse was--and then asked him what were her engagements for the evening.
”I know _we_ have an engagement,” replied the boy; ”I can't recollect it, but I shall find it in the drawing-room.”
He went out, and in a minute returned.
”I have found it, my lady,” said he. ”Here's the ticket; Mrs Allwood, at home, nine o'clock.”
”Mrs Allwood, my dear Valerie, is a literary lady, and her parties are very agreeable.”
The page looked at me from behind Lady R--'s chair, and shook his head in dissent.
”Shall we go?” continued Lady R--.
”If you please, madame,” replied I.
”Well, then, we will take a drive before dinner, and the evening after dinner shall be dedicated to the feast of reason and the flow of soul.
Dear me, how I have inked my fingers, I must go upstairs and wash them.”
As soon as Lady R--left the room, Master Lionel began.