Part 26 (1/2)

”The favour was----?”

”That you might be taken to London for trial and executed there.”

I looked up as if surprised. ”And why this interest on my behalf, Sir Robert?”

He shrugged. ”I do not know--a fancy--a whim. George Selwyn would never forgive me if I let you be hanged and he not there to see.”

”Had you succeeded Selwyn would have had you to thank for a pleasant diversion, but I think you remarked that the Dutchman was obstinate. 'Tis a pity--for Selwyn's sake.”

”Besides, I had another reason. You and I had set ourselves to play out a certain game in which I took an interest. Now I do not allow any blundering foreigners to interfere with my amus.e.m.e.nts.”

”I suppose you mean you do not like the foreigner to antic.i.p.ate you.”

”By G.o.d, I do not allow him to when I can prevent it.”

”But as in this instance you cannot prevent it----” My sentence tailed into a yawn.

”That remains to be seen,” he retorted, and whipped off first one boot and then the other. The unfastened cloak fell to the floor, and he began to unloose his doublet.

I stared calmly, though my heart stood still.

”Really, Sir Robert! Are you going to stay all night? I fear my accommodations are more limited than those to which you have been accustomed.”

”Don't stand gaping there, Montagu. Get off those uncivilized rags of yours and slip on these. You're going out as Sir Robert Volney.”

”I am desolated to interfere with your revenge, but--the guards?”

”Fuddled with drink,” he said. ”I took care of that. Don't waste time asking questions.”

”The Duke will be in a fearful rage with you.”

His eyes grew hard. ”Am I a child that I should tremble when c.u.mberland frowns?”

”He'll make you pay for this.”

”A fig for the payment!”

”You'll lose favour.”

”I'll teach the sullen beast to refuse me one. The boots next.”

He put on the wig and hat for me, arranged the m.u.f.fler over the lower part of my face, and fastened the cloak.

”The watchword for the night is 'Culloden.' You should have no trouble in pa.s.sing. I needn't tell you to be bold,” he finished dryly.

”I'll not forget this,” I told him.

”That's as you please,” he answered carelessly. ”I ask no grat.i.tude. I'm settling a debt, or rather two--one due c.u.mberland and the other you.”